Life lesson #6

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                           Life lesson # 6



Respect is something so few know anymore.

I have the upmost respect for our military men and women as we all should.

They give up so much just so we can be free.

 They lay their lives on the line everyday yet what thanks do they get for it?

Half the time they don’t even get the respect they deserve.

We go to work and sweat till we almost drive just trying to make a dollar.

Yet we barely hear good job, or get the respect we deserve from out co- workers.                             

Half the time in relationships we don’t respect ourselves enough to say enough is enough even when it’s toxic.

We all deserve R E S P E C T and it’s about time we all get it.

If you’re reading this show someone that you respect them.

If you see someone in the military or a veteran go up and thank them for the wonderful service they provided.

Thank the person that made your coffee or bagged your groceries.

Trust me that simple thank you goes a long way.

Respect is something we need to show if we ever want to get it back.

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