Life lesson #7

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                                   Life lesson #7


Never say something you can’t take back


In life people are bound to make us mad.

 It’s just the fact of life.

It’s what we do with that anger that can make us or break us.

 I have gotten into some fights with people I called my best friends.

 I could have walked away and let us both cool off or I could have said things in anger that could never be taken back.

 In that moment I chose to walk away.

There has been times where I have let my anger get the better of me and I said things I never meant.

I tried to make things right, but after words are spoken they can’t be unspoken.

Never say things in anger because those will always be the words we are remembered for.

Words can cut like a knife.

They can destroy us.

Words said in anger hold so much anger they can make us bitter.

The best thing to do is go calm down think about what you want to say.

Never say something you can’t take back.

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