Life lesson #14

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Life lesson #14

Remember when.....

I remember back in grade school when everyone was friends with everyone.

There was no nerds, no jocks, no preps, and no losers.

We made friends easily, and no one judged you.

You didn't have to be perfect you just had to be nice.

Where even if you were the new kid you still fit in.

You weren't bullied for being different.

Where you woke up and actually loved going to school.

Now you have to worry about going to school and ending up shot.

Everyone has their little clique.

You get bullied for every little thing.

Life was so much simpler in grade school.

Why is it we change?

I mean can't we always be accepting?

If you took the time to get to know someone instead of judging them by first appearance.

If everyone just hung out with everyone.

Think of how many kids would still be alive.

How this world would so much better.

There would be a lot less violence.

I really wish we could go back to those days.

Treating people kindly.

Not caring if their different.

Not picking on them.

Just saying hi, and respecting one another.

I remember when....

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