life lesson #10

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Life lesson #10

Don't judge a book by its cover

Why is it we look at someone and instantly judge them?

You can never judge a book by its cover.

Because its always wrong.

You must first read what's on the inside before you can get the whole story.

Everyone knows that.

So why not apply that same theory to people?

Why not get to know thier story before you judge them?

The next time you look at someone and think you know them take a step back and think.

You don't want to be judged so why judge others?

You see that teen you think is a whore because she's pregnant she was raped, and chose life over an abortion.

You see I was that teen girl raped and pregnant.

I chose to give my child life.

I think I made the best choice.

I'm a good person should I have been judged on what a bad person did to me?

You should never judge a book by its cover.

Because you will always be wrong.

See that man on the street begging for food.

The one you call a bum, and can't even look at.

He's a vet.

He fought for your freedom yet you shun him like he's nothing.

See everyone has a story.

You just need to look past the cover to get to the truth inside.

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