Chapter 14

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I was woken up the next day by my automatic alarm. “Dimitri, could you turn it off?” I rolled over and groaned, grabbing a pillow and covering my ears.


I sat up and groaned again. Reaching for the nightstand I slammed my hand down on the clock. There was a folded note next to it and I unfolded it.

Roza, I’m sorry I’m not here when you wake up, but I really do have some business that needs to be taken care of outside of Court. I will be back before five. Don’t wait for me, though. I’ll see you in the garage and meet you at the car. Love, Dimitri

I sighed. Dimitri was away from Court today. Again. I folded the note, opened the nightstand drawer took out the box where I kept the other notes and placed it inside. Laying back down, I stared up at the white ceiling, wondering what Dimitri was doing away from Court. Errands? No, not possible—Hans had given us the day off because of the trip to the Academy in the evening. Or was it Christian who gave him an errand?

The thoughts drifted away from me as I yawned and fell asleep again.

“Rose?” Knock, knock. “Rose?” Knock, knock, knock. “Rose!”

I scrambled out of bed and ran over to the door, throwing it open and glaring at the person who woke me up. “What?” I growled.

Eddie clapped his hands a few times in my face. “Wake up, Hathaway!”

I stretched, yawning again and ran my hands through my hair. “What do you want, Eddie?” I asked through sleepy eyes.

I saw his face redden as he saw me and he turned around. “Well, first, maybe you could put some clothes on before Belikov comes and gives me a beating for seeing you naked.”

“What?” I looked down and saw what he was talking about. “Holy shit!” I slammed the door closed with a beet red face and ran to the closet, grabbing a robe then tying it firmly around me. Then I walked back to the door and opened it again. “Sorry about that, Eddie. You can turn around now,” I said. A yawn escaped from my mouth as I spoke.

He turned around slowly, his face still slightly red from seeing my naked body. Eddie didn’t have romantic feelings for me, but no man would need to have romantic feelings for me to like my curvy body.

“Well… Now that you’re changed…” His voice was calm and normal, but then he took a deep breath and shouted, “God damn it, it’s four-thirty and we’re supposed to leave in half an hour! Everybody was wondering where you were, because you were supposed to be in Lissa’s chambers an hour ago!”

My weary eyes shot open immediately and I snapped out of my sleepiness. “What?” I exclaimed.

“Unless you think that your bed is more important than Lissa then I suggest you might want to pick up your ass and sit it down in the car!” he growled.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I—”

Eddie held up a hand to stop me. “Listen, Rose,” he said. His lowered his voice so that he was no longer shouting. “Just shut up, get dressed, and get ready. I’ll escort Lissa to the car for you, and meet you there. Alright?”

I threw my arms around him. “Oh, Eddie, you’re a god! Thank you!”

After Eddie left, I closed the door and threw the closet door open, putting on the guardian clothes I was supposed to be wearing today. I tied my hair up, showing off the tattoos I had on my neck. I hastily brushed my teeth in the bathroom, and after fifteen minutes I was finally finished. When I was all set, I ran straight to where they parked the cars.

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