Chapter Two

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The comments I had to update were INSANE like. You flatter me-le blush-

Feeling flattered, lol, I decided to update. Obviously.

Don't wanna be greedy but could I PLEASE have more votes? For all you secret readers. I know you're out there, reading this ;)

And comments. I need comments on how this is going. Too straightforward? Romance-y? Lame in making jokes?



*Chloe's house, after breakfast*

"I came up with the radio number." I said.

"How?"Kat asked.

"I listed all the boys's birthdays, got the second number for the two digits ones e.g.: 13 I just got the number three, then I made it youngest to oldest, Harry, Niall, Liam, Zayn then Louis, getting the number.." I paused. For dramatic effect:D

"GET ON WITH IT!"They screamed. Simultaneously. How creepy.


"Perfect!" Kat shrieked, pulling out her phone, then walked out, murmuring on the phone.

"Hey gal check this out!" Chloe said, waving me over to right by the window.


Seriously, like its all purple and..its not like a chair its just a seat. By the window -dreamy sigh-

"Look outside, Kevin brain!"

Takin a peekie out the windowie,(That was horrible, I vow never to do that again) A pink car arrived outside the creepy guys house, and a pink lady stepped daintily out.

"Quick the binoculars." I whispered.

Chloe handed me the 1D binoculars she recently acquired from her dad(A/N: I'm not sure if there really are binoculars) And I peered through it.

Looking closely, the pink lady had blonde hair with pink highlights, pink top, white jacket with pink lines, pink miniskirt and pink high heels. Barbie. I scrunched my nose in disgust and replayed the details quietly to Chloe and Kat, who joined us after her phone call.

As soon as the Barbie stepped in the house, from the binoculars I could see the 'genuinely pretty without cosmetics' girl from yesterday stare at the barbie in shock. Another brunette guy also stared. I recognized his outfit from the guy yesterday. Once again, I replayed the events to Kat and Chloe. The brunette's back was to me so I couldn't clearly see his face.

Seconds later, after what I supposed was a heated argument, a clearly married couple with a child hurried outside, whispering to the genuinely pretty girl, before walking off.

"That was....Weird..." Kat said.

"No chiz sherlock." I replied.

"Anyway," Chloe said, taking charge, "Who did you call?"

"My dad." Kat grinned, "He registered us and everything. He just needed the number and did everything the step by step instructions told him to do. He also prepared a studio in my house, so we'll do recordings and such there. Plus, we can post videos on YouTube to promote ourselves."

"KAT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!" Me and Chloe screamed. Wow. Its rare me and Chloe said something together.

"I know I am GURLAZ!!!!!"

"Hey guys..." I mumbled, staring out the window.

"Just think, millions of people tuning into our station, millions of fans on twitter, millions of directioners..." Chloe said dreamily.

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