Chapter 2

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Paris...12 years later.

"Ok ladies and gents homework is due the first day we come back. I would like all of you to have everything in a folder and on my desk. Ok get out of here enjoy your summer."

The moment that bell rang I couldn't wait to get out of that hell house. School was done for the year and I just couldn't wait to enjoy myself with my friends.

"Hey Paris wait up."

"What is it Jake, I told you before no."

"Who said I was asking for that?" He looked at me with his boyish ways and I knew just what he really wanted. The same thing everybody else wants in their life now days, sex.

"I can read it on your face dingle berry, but no seriously what I have to get home and get things together at the house."

"Oh yeah that's right, the new roommates moving in. and just how is Stephen going to be ok with this."

"Well for one he is ok with it because he's the one helping me move him in and two this is Mia's best friend and he trusts her so..."

"So that doesn't me he trust that creep coming to live with you."

"Ugh oh suck it Jake, listen tell Stephen to call me ok."

I watched him walk away throwing me the deuces "Will do sweet cakes."

I grabbed the last of my things from my locker and headed to the car, it was beautiful outside and my tan was starting to blend in with the rest of my skin, finally. The wind blowing through my hair felt so good it was changing my whole mood, I was now more than excited to get home. As I waited at the red light I felt a hard bump that nearly threw me forward. "What the fuck..." I got out of the car to see the asshole face to face that hit me.

"Are you out of your mind?" the tinted window rolled down revealing a handsome face worth staring at.

"I'm sorry I was on my phone and I didn't see you there."

"Well no shit, watch it next time...enjoy your day." I walked off feeling bad for coming off the way I did but I couldn't help myself, he was hot and I was upset, totally not my fault."

I made it home in one piece to my best friend Mia. "Hi Baby." She ran to me with open arms and I couldn't resist her smile and her messy hair that I loved so much.

"I missed you..." she pulled me over to the couch putting her hair up in a bun with excitement to hear how my day went. "So, how was your day?"

"Ugh well Jake was being Jake secretly asking to have sex with me."

"Ugh as always, I can't believe I had sex with him. I mean it was good after the first 2 times but yah know."

The giggles flowed right out me; it felt good to come home to this every day. "Then this asshole hit my fucking car, I don't have a scratch or anything though, and he was so hot. But I was a complete bitch to him; he won't see me again anyway so I guess its ok."

"Damn. Well anyway Alan will be here any moment so I fixed up his room and made it look a little manly for him." She showed me the room and to be honest it looked pretty darn good. "You think he'll like the Navy blue? Que si? Que no?

The doorbell rang and we stared at each other with excitement. "Well go open the door."

"Ok, ok ugh I haven't seen him in such a long..." I watched her pause at the door, I couldn't see his face clearly I could only see his figure. "Oh my gosh Alan you look so good, have you been working out? And your hair you cut it, I love it on you. Come here give me a hug."

Finding Paris(part 1)Where stories live. Discover now