Chapter 7

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                “Paris can we talk?” he followed me to my room watching me pick up my clothes and fold them neatly, putting them back where they belong. I needed to find something to distract me from choking the mess out of him.

“You must be delusional.” I stopped what I was doing and sat on my bed to face him. He was on his way to sit next to me when I stopped him in his tracks. “No you stand right there or sit on the chair; you wanted to talk…so talk.”

He sat in the chair watching me, waiting for me to crack. “Ok so first off, the girl I was with at your party is not my girlfriend; I brought her there for show.”

“Interesting.” I said simply.

“I do want you to know I am deeply sorry for what I did to you that night, something came over me and…”

“What did you do to me?” I asked calm and alarmed.

“You don’t remember? Do you remember anything that happened?”

I looked at him like he’d lost his mind. What could he be talking about? “The only thing I remember you doing to me is taking my heart with you and ripping it to shreds.”

“It worked…this is…it worked.” I heard him whisper to himself. He was beginning to bother me, I felt like he was hiding something and I wanted nothing to do with neither his games nor him.

“What worked? What are you…you know what.” I stood up getting the rest of my things and pointed to the door. “This is done, you can show yourself out. And don’t come back.”

A few days have gone by and every night I’ve been waking up in cold sweat after these weird nightmares. One minute I’m walking through my house looking for something and then the next, I’m in the middle of nowhere being chased by wolves. When I think the dream is over and I wake up in my bed, Stephen is right next to trying to bite me like he’s some kind of vampire or something. I need to stop eating so damn late. I grabbed myself a glass of cold water and headed back to my room, when I turned around Alan was right behind me. “My gosh, don’t scare me like that.” I said in surprise. What I really wondered was what he was doing up this late.

“I’m sorry.” He chuckled “I didn’t mean to scare you…”

“It’s cool, what’s up?”

“Mm can’t really sleep.”

“Me either…do want to take a walk with me outside?” this was random of me but we barely see each other anymore since he stared going to the pool at the Lake center. “Please say yes…” I gave him my best puppy face and he agreed.

I let out a long sigh feeling at one with the wind. It was a beautiful night and the stars were showing their best light. Nights like this I couldn’t bear to be alone, I don’t think anyone could. “So!”

“So…” Alan echoed me.

“I keep having these weird dreams at night, it’s always the same. Getting chased by wolves and waking up in my dream still to vampires.”

“Uh ok weirdo” he looked at me like I was some kind of loser. He playfully shoved me to the side and smiled. “I’m kidding; you’re neither a loser nor a weirdo. I use to have crazy dreams like that too, except I would be the wolf chasing the vampire.”

“Oh and you call men weird.” I laughed. His scent lightly brushed the top of my lip and I couldn’t resist the sudden feeling I had sneaking up behind me. No Paris…but god he looks so good…is he single? I wonder what it would be like to…

“Paris hello.” He snapped his fingers in my face a few times before I realized I had stopped walking, just staring into space.

“Oh uh I’m sorry.” Feeling embarrassed I quickly came back to my senses.

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