chapter 5

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It was a beautiful day on the strawhat ship Sanji was in the kitchen writing out some new recipes he wanted to try out. he could hear the usual Luffy whining he was hungry Zoro's loud snoring followed by Usopp announcing they were arriving at an island as soon as Sanji heard Nami speaking he took a breath before spinning outside to see Nami outing on his little act. "it looks like a Summer island" nami said "Hey Usopp come help me get the grill out!" Sanji called before going into the storage room followed by usopp "usopp you go help luffy I'll help curly brow" Sanji smirked hearing his secret boyfriends low tired voice "whatever you say zoro" Usopp said walking out Zoro tipped the door closed a bit before walking over to Sanji a mischievous smile on his face he wrapped his arms around Sanji's waist he smiled a bit placing his hand's on Zoro's chest before feeling his oddly soft lips against his Sanji smirked just before Zoro pulled away and grabbed the grill Sanji grabbed the other side and helped him carry it out they had docked at the island by the time they got the grill out they set it on the beach and Zoro walked over to the trees and sat in the shade for a relaxing nap as Sanji was cooking he took glances towards Zoro seeing how calm and peaceful he looked he chuckled a bit until he felt cool water spray against his back.

Zoro's POV"God Dammit Luffy!" i heard Sanji say. i took a glance over seeing Luffy had sprayed Sanji while playing with Usopp, chopper and franky. I saw Sanji removed his shirt letting it hang to dry he noticed my stare and our eyes met i quickly averted my gaze by returning to my nap i could feel the smirk he had on his face as i felt an embarrassed blush on my face.
Sanji's POV

I saw Zoro taking a look at me he saw that i noticed his gaze and returned to his napping state i smirked continuing to cook while waiting for my shirt to finish drying next to the grill. I pretended to swoon over Nami and Robin filling their glasses before returning to my work. I could hear Luffy's laughter behind me and turned around before getting a bunch of water dumped on my head i heard quiet snickers from Usopp, Franky, luffy and chopper. My eyes lit up in flames i turned the heat down a little on the grill a low growl left me before i landed kicks on all four of them once again i felt eyes on my back turning around and looking to see zoro looking at me again. i smiled a bit making sure no one noticed before i went back to working on the food. once the food was done I called everyone over Zoro stayed in his spot. I grabbed a bottle of Sake that had been sitting in the cooler under the table and walked over when i was close enough i tossed the bottle at him and he caught it in seconds before cracking it open and drinking from it i saw sweat glistening in his fore head I saw him look up at me with his eye.
Zoro's POV
it was taking every ounce of me not to just grab him and take over but i knew i couldn't i pulled the bottle away from my lips and popped the cap back on looking at him with my good eye i smirked a bit looking at him he shook his head a bit "thanks curly" I said before closing my eye again i popped the cap off the bottle again placing it to my lips i could feel his gaze on me before hearing that witch Nami calling fro him i opened my eye again watching his back as he left.
3rd person POV

as the sun slowly set and the day started to end they boys were still playing Luffy sprayed Zoro in the face while he was napping causing Zoro to chase him around with his swords out zoro sighed going back to his spot he took off his heavy jacket Sanji was refilling nami's glass as she held it he looked over seeing Zoro his eyes widened slightly he suddenly heard Nami shriek "ekk Sanji!" followed by a smack "What?!" he shouted back now sitting in the sand he looked up seeing he had over poured it was now all over her breasts he sighed "i'll grab you a damp rag to wipe yourself off with nami-swan" he said walking to the ship after getting shocked looks from everyone he walked into the ship coming back with a cloth that had warm water on it "thanks sanji" Nami said he nodded before going back to the grill cleaning up everyone had gone into the ship after everything was all cleaned up and sanji spotted Zoro still asleep under the tree and walked over seeing he had moved behind the tree "hey moss head are you coming inside?" he asked suddenly feeling Zoro grip him by his shirt and yank him down making Sanji land firmly against his chest with a low oof he lifted his head a bit looking at him seeing Zoro looking down at him he smiled a bit before placing his fingers under his Sanji's chin puling his face up to meet his placing a soft tender kiss on his lips Sanji chuckled a bit laying his head on Zoro's chest relaxing a bit Zoro placed a gentle kiss on top of Sanji's head "goodnight" he said quietly "goodnight mosshead" Sanji said before falling asleep on the beach to the sound of the ocean waves hitting the sand.

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