Drowning -Chapter 9 (Depressed Sanji)

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Sanji had become quite reserved thinking about the worst case senarios for everything he had stopped sleeping and eating. Becoming paler and thinner he avoided unessesary contact at all costs. The only person who had appeared to notice these changed was Zoro the fact that Sanji stopped fighting with him everyday. Letting the comments he made slide Zoro decided to investigate before noticing how little Sanji ate and how he never came into the mens dormitory the kitchen light on all night. Zoro had enough and wanted to know what was going on he decided to ask Robin to see if she had noticed the same things he had.

Zoro's Pov

"Robin!" I called approaching the woman who sat with a book in her hands. She closed it and looked up at me "what is it?" she asked leaning her head against the palm of her hand. I took a seat across from her "Have you noticed anything odd or out of the ordinary with the love-cook?" I asked. She thinks for a moment before nodding at me "I have he's been acting rather odd lately" Robin tells me about what she's noticed. "So I'm not the only one whose noticed" I tell her she shakes her head "I'm begining to get rather worried about him perhaps you could speak with him" Robin tells me. I pause before nodded and standing up to go find him.

Sanji's Pov

'Shit what's gonna happen if one of us dies out here' I think to myself trying to shake the thoughts away. "FUCK" I growl out hitting my hand on the counter resulting in cutting myself on a knife "God dammit" I grumble out before hearing the door open. "Oi! Ero-cook" Zoro calls out to me I glance at him over my shoulder. "what?" I ask holding a towel against my bleeding hand "Oi what did you do there?" he asks walking towards me and taking the towel. I go to pull my hand away when we pulls out some clean bandages from his pocket and begins wrapping them around my hand. I stare breathlessly at him as he finishes I pull my hand away "is there a reason your in here bothering me?" I growl out. Regretting my decision "what's wrong with you?" he asked I tensed with my back to him. "you haven't been eating or sleeping or even fought with me once" Zoro said. 'shit he's noticed' I think to myself "It's not your fucking problem just get the hell out of my kitchen and leave me the fuck alone" I growl out. 'please stay' I think to myself before walking back to the counter. "Sanji" he calls my name in a soft tone and it takes me by surprise when he takes my wrist and turned me around to face him pinning my hips to the counter.

Zoro's Pov

"Sanji, your drowning I know your a damn good swimmer but even the best ones need help sometimes" I say my voice comes out soft and it shocks even me. He stares back at me I can see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Z-Zoro I- It just keeps going" he said the tears finally falling from his eyes as he places his hands on my shoulders tilting his head down. "What keeps going?" he asked "My thoughts just keep going furthur and furthur down, shit like what would happen if someone from the crew died, what if just once I wasn't strong enough to protect them" Sanji said his voice cracking. I pulled him flush agianst my chest "You don't have to be strong on your own idiot" I mumbled into his shoulder. "The crew is strong but we're stronger together when we depend on each other and work as a unit" I tell him. He's still shaking "We may get knocked down but we ALWAYS get back up to protect the family we've built together on the sunny" I tell him peering into his eyes. He stares at me a small smile breaks across his face resting his forehead against mine. "Every lifeguards got partner would you be mine?" Sanji asked me and I nod in response before feeling him press his trembling lips against mine. I laugh when we pull apart and he starts yelling before we get into a fight. "It's good to have you back Cook" I tell him "It's good to be back Marimo" he replies and we conclude out battle.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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