chapter 3

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After a couple weeks had gone by sanji healed completely and had gotten back to his daily life but something was added to his days that just seemed to make him a little more cheerful.

"Hey cook" zoro said sanji turned to see the green haired swordsman walking over sanji smiled before turning back to the dishes zoro frowned sanji suddenly felt someone's arms snake around his waits grabbing ahold of his wrists making him drop the sponge and plate he was washing back into the sink "I said hey" zoro smirked sanji blushed "what happens if someone walks in here" sanji whispered zoro chuckled "everyone's asleep " he said sanji slowly relaxed into zoro's arms "why are you so lovey" sanji asked zoro chuckled turning sanji around making him blush "I don't know" he said with a shrug sanji chuckled before grabbing zoro by the collar and pulling him closer before kissing him tenderly with a smile when they parted sanji turned back to the sink to finis the dishes. Soon after the two went into the aqua lounge where they sat zoro pulled sanji into his lap sanji relaxed onto zoro's chest as he leaned back against the couch he stroked sanjis hair gently with his hand until the two had fallen asleep.

The next morning as usual sanji had woken up first he yawned before looking up at zoro's face with a smile sanji un ravelled himself from Zoro's arms before getting up with a stretch he felt someone grab ahold of the hem of his shirt and turned to see zoro holding on tight sanji chuckled "your acting like a child" he said zoro smirked" that's because your mine" he responded sanji rolled his eyes and tugged his shirt from zoro's grasp zoro sighed "fine" sanji laughed before leaving the half asleep swordsman on the couch.

Sanji made his way to the kitchen to start preparing to make breakfast.

Soon after sanji had made breakfast the strawhat crew lazily and law... entered the kitchen and sat down around the table sanji handed out plates as he did each morning with a smile planted across his lips he glanced at zoro who decided to eat in the kitchen munching away on his food sanji smirked and winked so only he could see it zoro's face grew a slight blush but he continued eating anyway

As sanji was washing the dishes and there was light conversation at the table a rather loud sigh was heard everyone turned to look at luffy " i'm sooo bored" he complained with his chest leaned over onto the table after a couple moments luffy smiled and sat up "LETS PLAY THE KISSING GAME!" the young boy shouted excitedly everyone groaned "I'll get the straws" nami sighed law looked around in confusion "kissing game?" He questioned "just another one of luffy bright ideas" zoro said sarcastically "basically everyone in the room meaning nami, robin, luffy,usopp,brook, you, zoro and myself all draw coloured straws" sanji explained "since there are 8 of us there will be 4 kisses depending on the colour" zoro added law stood up abruptly "why the hell am I part of this? I'm not part of the crew" law shouted "because... rules are rules traffy" luffy said making direct eye contact with law "man up" nami said annoyed law sighed and sat back down everyone tool hold of a straw nami counted 1..2..3 pull! " all at once everyone pulled a straw from nami's hand "so what about the colours?" Law asked " the colour you get defines what kind of kiss you're suppose to do..." zoro said before curing under his breath "Crap its red" he said in a barley audible voice "yellow is a kiss on the cheek" nami said before mumbling "could've been worse" Brook happily says "I look forward to your kiss nami san" "green is a kiss to the hand " usopp said "well this is an interesting development" robin said usopp began to think of how he was going to kiss Robins hand "blue means a simple peck on the lips" zoro pointed out law looked at luffy "of course I'm stuck with you" he mumbled "and red means I have to kiss...the...cook..with....." zoro stopped before daring to finish his sentence he looked at sanji and sanji looked back at him sanjis cheeks instantly went bright red "w..what?NO! I won't kiss the damn Marimo "remember sanji rules are rules" robin said with a cool smile "for once I agree with swirly" zoro said his face turning a faint red "can't we just skip?" The two ask in sync "oh don't you start complaining now to" nami said bending or to plant a kiss on brooks cheek bone Brook chuckled as he took a peek down nami's shirt "besides if you don't do it you have to endure the punishment " nami added "do I even want to know?" Law asked "torao" luffy mumbled pukering his lips "not now" law said returning his attention to the group "well obviously there has to be a punishment so we really do this" usopp said still thinking about how to kiss Robins hand "everyone has their own punishment since we all have different priorities" nami said knocking Brook on the head for looking down her shirt "for example if I refuse the kiss I'd have to walk around the ship naked Franky on the other hand would't care " usopp said finally figuring out how the kiss will work "i'm sure we can come up with something for you if our capitan is so unappealing" robin added law looked at luffy when suddenly he heard "FUCK IT" from zoro he turned to see zoro grab the tomato red cook by the top of his kiss the cook apron and pull him toward himself "h..hey wait a minute" sanji protested just before zoro's lips connected with sanjis the two blushing like mad zoro slid his tongue into the cooks mouth "uh isn't that enough already?" Usopp asked nami brought a hand to her mouth to stop herself from laughing "oh to be young again" Brook said "truly an interesting developmeng" robin added a shadow cast of laws eyes " i..I thought they didn't want this" he said embarrassed watching the two still inter locked law felt someone grab into his shoulder her turned to see luffy looking up at him "we need to kiss to, torao! I don't want to lose my meat" luffy said "right that's enough madness for one day" law said tilting his had back at him end leaning into the chair "torao I don't want to lose my meat!" Luffy said again torao sighed before grabbing luffy chin and connecting his lips with luffy for a quick peck luffy smiled and sat in laws lap putting his arm around his shoulders "hey what's going on in here?" Franky asked opening the door to see the STILL interlocked chef and swordsman he had no expression on his face zoro and sanji pulled their faces away seconds after Franky entered still holding each other the two awkwardly looked at the cyborg "IT'S NOT WHAT I LOOKS LIKE " SANJI shifted inn panic pushing zoro away his face redder than before "oh, trust me trust me it's exactly what It looks like" usopp said laughing with nami "yeah.... anyway nami did the earlier count for the bet or...." Franky asked nami slowly stopped laughing " was part of the game so no" she said "but it's still a kiss right?" Franky asked "yeah but we had to threaten them for it" nami said "Hey witch what bet" zoro said nami pushed zoro's face away "they did seem to enjoy the kiss though didn't they nami San?" Robin asked "that's awake good point" nami said "could you all just forget about the damn kiss awake bound focus on the fact you made a waked bound bet about me and curly over here!" Zoro shouted causing the room to go silent "it's just a waked bounded bet" nami mumbled "well um you see hehe" usopp said "wasn't my idea bro" Franky said "that's because everyone wants you two to do it" Brook shouted out "IF I WANT TO FUCK HIM IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE ELSE" the two angry men blurted out everyone stood there shocked Franky sunglasses fell off his face from shock "wait a minute" zoro said before his face turning increasing red everyone burst out laughing "how about thinking that one through" law laughed "now wasn't that a nice confession congratulations" robin said "...oh god why" sanji said hands covering his red face "shit shit shit shit" zoro said blushing "HEY" little chopper said entering the room "what's all the noise?"he asked "zoro and sanji confessed their undying love for each other!" Usopp said between laughs "ehh! they did? Chopper asked in shock "finally" he added "I didn't confess anything!" sanji said flustered "more over torao are you really the one to laugh when you accepted our captain into your lap after your kiss" Brook pointed out "erm well" law said arms around luffy now embarrassed "hah so you two kissed to huh?" Franky asked putting his sunglasses back on "i was forced to" law said "oh come on torao" luffy said pulling laws face down as he bent his own head back "in like you " he said giggling "should we expect another happy anouncement?" Nami asked eyeing the two of them "take good care of our captain trafalgar San" robin said "sanji some drinks in celebration?"she added "A FEAST!" Luffy shouted "she said drinks idiot!" Sanji shouted everyone began saying the things they wanted law just fell over onto the floor "fuck my life" sanji began making the drinks "hey we where'd zoro go?" Nami asked sanji felt his face heat up when he heard his name "oh well he must have left without without us noticing" brook said sanji handed out everyone's drinks and returned to the counter.

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