Chapter 4

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The crew had all fallen asleep and Zoro was in the Crows nest keeping watch when he heard a strange noise on the ship he stood up and looked down on the deck seeing nothing and sat down again nearly falling asleep several times he kept hearing the now annoying noise coming from somewhere on deck he got up and decided to finally investigate the noise making sure his swords were properly on his hip he climbed down and stood on deck looking around the he followed the noise finding himself in the kitchen he looked around and saw someone was in the cupboard. Zoro recognized the ass in front of him and smirked before firmly placing his hand on it he heard a loud bang followed by a "son of a bitch" before watching Sanji crawl out fom under the cupboard Zoro smirked as sanji frowned at him rubbing his head Zoro chuckled before planting a gentle kiss on the spot Sanji had bumped while inside the cupboard "what the hell were you doing in the cupboard?" Zoro asked "n..none of your damn business what're you doing going around and grabbing people's butts while their in the cupboard?" Sanji asked crossing his arms "well what else was i suppose to do not grab it?" he asked sanji narrowed his eyes "get out idiot" Sanji said Zoro held his hands up in defense before walking out and returning to the crows nest. Sanji sighed in relief looking at the counter "he didn't see it thank god" he muttered before going back into the cupboard and continuing to dig around.

*the next day*

zoro woke up freezing he opened his eye and saw snow everywhere taking a breath he stood up, stretched and yawned at the same time before climbing down he walking into the kitchen and sat at the table with the rest of the crew he heard murmuring as he looked up he saw everyone looking at him "what?" he asked "happy birthday!" everyone yelled Zoro smirked before a real smile took it's place upon his face "thanks guys your the best" he said after breakfast everyone gathered in the aquarium room and gave him their presents he got a lot of booze luffy obviously gave him some meat he got a book from robin and some other things from everyone else but nothing from his beloved chef he frowned a bit before shrugging it off the rest of the day was spent partying until everyone passed out Sanji had been avoiding Zoro all day he wanted to find out why so he looked for him finding Sanji in the kitchen he pinned him against the counter before looking at him "sanji" he said in a teasing growl "y..yes" sanji asked "you've been avoiding me" he said Sanji swallowed hard before nodding Zoro frowned "why?" he asked sanji pushed zoro off him before going into the pantry and pulling down a wrapped box and handing it to him "this is part one of your present" he said zoro looked at Sanji suspiciously before placing the box on the counter and slowly opening it watching Sanji squirm nervously soon enough zoro unwrapped it and opened a box his eyes widened seeing a beautifully crafted sword "since you broke one of your swords in that last battle i thought i'd get you a new one" sanji said blowing smoke out of his mouth Zoro hugged him tight taking sanji by surprise sanji gently put his arms around him and chuckled "your welcome" he said he smirked before placing the sword on his hip "so what's the other part?" zoro asked curiously sanji started to blush like mad before roughly kissing him when they broke apart he whispered one word into the swordsman's ear "me" zoro smirked before picking up the chef and taking him up to the crows nest.

sorry this one's so short and late I've been having a little problem coming up with ideas ahah i'll try not to be so late with the next one. :P

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