chapter 2

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When sanji stepped out the doors to the deck he blinded by the bright sun momentarily once his eyes adjusted he saw a rather tall man with dark hair, a long black jacket, a hat and a large sword "who's this luffy?" Sanji asked lighting a cigarette "huh oh! Sanji this is my friend traffy" luffy said happily before putting his arm over the man's shoulders sanji took a drag off his smoke before looking at the man "traffy?" He asked "trafalgar law" the man said "sanji" he responded shaking his hand firmly "he's a pirate!" Luffy said excitedly sanji shook his head placing his hand on his forehead "were pirates to dumbass" sanji said "oh yeah" luffy said chuckling the taller man seemed to smile at luffy child like behavior sanji sighed and shook his head well luffy I'm going to go start making lunch" sanji said "YAHOO traffy you have to try sanjis cooking" luffy said excited law laughed slightly "whatever strawhat-ya" law said sanji made his way to the kitchen he went into the fridge holding the door open with his foot as he grabbed food from the fridge "little of that little of this" sanji mumbled pulling out food before locking the fridge again sanji pulled out a skillet and knife before quickly preparing the food "FOODS READY!" Sanji yelled soon everyone was in the kitchen sanji served everyone before grabbing a plate and leaving he balanced the plate on his head and went up to the crows nest where zoro was working out sanji held a hand under his nose as he entered zoro looked up at him his one working eye meeting with sanjis eyes sanji held in his nose bleed as he brought zoro his food with a smile "you alright now cook?" Zoro asked sanji nodded "you bled a lot and I'm surprised you don't have any more tram a than you already have" zoro said laughing "oh that now that hurts marimo" sanji said laughing before turning and heading to the door "thanks by you the way" sanji said before leaving with a smile on his face as he went back to the kitchen "what are you so happy about sanji?" Robin asked turning the crews attention to him sanji stood there silently for a moment "nothing" he said robin smiled just before everyone's attention returned to their conversation "so law where are you from?" Nami asked "that's irrelevant" he responded with a cold tone sending shivers down her back "traffy doesn't like to talk about his past much" luffy said smiling happily the crew looked at the two how they acted with on another before continuing with the conversation sanji stood leaning against the counter he began to think (zoro's birthday is tomorrow) sanji thought a smile tugging at his lips ashe quickly came up with a plan soon the sound of dishes clanging together broke his train of thought he noticed everyone was gone and looked over to the sink he saw zoro doing the dishes zoro looked over his shoulder "oh look curly out of his trance" zoro said sanji walking over and began drying dishes "thanks" he said zoro nodded and soon they finished the dishes the day went by as normal and so did the night sanji managed to stay by himself, the next morning break fast went as usual except law was still there (I wonder how long he's staying with us) sanji mumbled before remembering his plan and beginning cook soon after he went out to the deck they were approaching an island quickly and began docking on the beach "well this looks like a nice place to catch some rays" nami said before instructing everyone she laid on the beach tanning and robin sat nearby with an umbrella and chair with her book sanji catered to their every need he went into the ship to bring the girls some drinks while luffy dragged law, usopp and chopper along to go exploring Brook added Franky were inside the ship working on some stuff zoro was up in the crows nest when sanji came back the girls were gone he furrowed his curly eyebrow "nami robin!" Sanji shouted before he noticed drag marks from their spots going into the jungle and lots of foot prints sanji gasped putting the drinks down before running up to the crows nest he burst through the door "curly?" Zoro asked "someone kidnapped robin and nami!" Sanji shouted zoro's eye widened slightly before he grabbed his swords and stood up " how do you know they were taken?" Zoro asked "there are drag imprints in the sand an a lot of foot prints " sanji said zoro nodded " we need luffy and the others to come back" zoro said sanji nodded and the two went back onto the deck "I'll run and take a quick look for luffy" sanji said zoro nodded and went into the ship sanji did a quick run LUFFY, US OPPO CHOPPER COME BACK ITS AN EMERGENCY!" Sanji yelled repa.eatedly until he came back to the ship soon the guys came running "sanji what's the emrrgency?!" They asked "someone took nami asked robin "we have to get them back" luffy said holding a fist up zoro came back out from the ship "Franky and Brook said they'll watch over the ship" he said luffy nodded "lets go" he shouted "wait strawhat-ya we don't know where they are" law said grabbing should of luffy by the head "oh yeah " luffy said stopping "we could just ya know follow these foot prints" sanji said everyone came to the agreement of following the footprints after a while of following the prints they came to a large clearing where sanji could see nami and robin tied down to a couple big rocks "it looks like they are going to be used in human sacrifice" zoro said sanji began sprinting towards the girls "SANJI ITS A TRAP!" Zoro yelled just as 6 sears at the minimum stabbed into sanjis shoulders, back and legs "dammit" zoro cursed at the sight of sanji dropping down onto his knees before falling to the ground completely blood all over the ground battle almost instantly broke out everyone was fighting hard zoro noticed the colour in his eyes was beginning to fade a little (when your soul mate dies you go back to seeing in black and white) zoro replayed the memory in his head before turning towards the chef zoro made made a run for him cutting down the bad guys in his path zoro dropped to his knees at sanjis side he pulled the spears from his body and pulled sanji into his lap sanji looked faintly at zoro "cook don't die on me" zoro said sanji smiled "justjust so you have someone to fight with?" He and sled with and sled chuckled then coughed

and a sputter of blood came zoro brushed his hand through sanjis golden hair that was beginning to go Faint yellow "you mean more than that to me" zoro said sanji looked at him confused "sanji y.. you...your the reason I see in colour your the reason why I wake up every morning happy I look forward to our fights I enjoy our small talk and petty insults" zoro blurted as the Yellow of sanjis hair began to turn white " z...Zoro I didn't know that's how you felt" sanji said coughing "sanji without you I don't know how I could live life..... I love you " zoro said quietly sanjis eyes widened as he coughed again "zoro I love you to" sanji said just as the colour of sanjis hair went gray and sanjis eyes closed "cook you can't do this to me on my birthday" zoro cried tears welling in his eyes as the fierce battle was going on a all around "dammit you idiot why's you have to run right in without assessing the situation" zoro asked hugging sanjis cooling body zoro stopped crying as the battle ended he sighed as everyone do came over "is he?" Usopp asked zoro nodded "no" chopper said nami and robin who'd been saved came over "what's wrong ?"nami asked luffy, chopprr,usopp pulled their hats off and held them to their chests nami gasped "is he really?" Nami asked usopp nodded and tears formed in nami's eyes as she started to cry. law examined sanji from his perspective "I believe I can bring him back he still has something to hold onto he's still has a tint spark of life going g for him "can you save him?" Zoro asked quietly law nodded "I can't believe so" law said zoro nodded "we need to bring him back to your ship as fast as possible" law said zoro picked up sanji and the crew ran back to the ship zoro laid sanji down on the table in the infirmary and law started his work zoro left the room "wow zoro you seem really worried about sanji" nami said "i'm not really worried he's an ass hole but we need him to cook a day I need someone to pick fights with everyday" zoro said nami giggled "yeah I'm sure that's it" nami said zoro rolled his eyes and leaned his back against the wall before sliding down it sitting on the floor as the hours went by the more zoro was after little be to see in colour again soon the door opened zoro stood up "he's gonna live" law said zoro sighed with a smirk "guess idiot is stronger than it thought" zoro said "he's awake if you want to see him" law said with a smirk zoro glared a little before swapping spots with law and entering the room there was no one but zoro and sanji in the room zoro had shut the door "sanji" zoro said quietly sanji looked at zoro with a smile "what do you think your doing dying on my birthday and after I confessed to you" zoro whispered sanji was after little shocked but smiled "I missed you to marimo" sanji said quietly the two were sure that someone was listening in "so your stronger than I thought" zoro said sanji looked offended "of course I am I have people to live for" sanji said pointing st zoro "nami swan and robin" sanji said with a wink zoro Rolled his eyes "well you get better so in can test your strength again" zoro said getting closer to sanji so their faces were inches apart Zoro glanced over his shoulder before pressed his lips firmly against sanjis, sanji was shocked but returned his action zoro pulled away before whispering "get better faster" before leaving the room "so who's going to cook while you healing" zoro asked sanji shrugged the two had a conversation as a cover up going on until zoro left going on with his usual transactions.

At the end of the day zoro stopped by the infirmary slowly opening the door making not a single sound before poking his head in and checking up on sanji who was fast asleep curled up on the blankets holding a pillow tight against his chest zoro smirked before shutting the door and continuing towards the men's dormatory.

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