Chapter 5

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I woke up and just laid in bed trying to understand everything that happened last night.

"I was single and struggling for money and in a blink of an eye I'm dating, soon to be engaged, and will become rich." I say out loud, thinking the more I say it the more it will make sense.

I got up and started my usual morning routine. Today was my only day off and okay because my hours were cut at the movie theater.

I'm cleaning the house and thinking of a way to tell Collin. Should I tell him the truth or just flat out lie to him.

My phone went off and I answered the unfamiliar number.


"Hey Emmie, can you come and get me."

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

I hung up and grabbed my stuff and headed to the bus stop.

The bus ride wasn't long enough for me to figure out what to do with Collin.

I went to the door and said my hellos to Mrs. Fintch and they boys. Collin was happy and I was glad to see him smiling.

When we got home there he was, waiting for me. I was not ready for this to happen. I wanted to run.

Collin was a little nervous but said nothing, he just got closer to me as we walked towards the house.

Daniel looked up from his phone and gave me a smile. "Hello Emily!"


Collin stood between me and Daniel, "Emily who is this stranger?" He said in the most serious voice.

I was about to answer but Daniel beat me to it. "Oh I see she hasn't told you yet. I'm Daniel, her boyfriend."

Well there goes my plan of telling the truth right, it just went out the window. But I looked at my little brother who was not shocked, angry or sad at this news.

"Emily! You have a boyfriend! Omg you sly dog, why haven't you told me earlier!" He said practically jumping up and down. Let's just say he was happier about this than I was.

I had to lie now, something I tried to avoid especially to my brother. "Well, I just didn't know how you would react to the news."

Collin wasted no time and invited Daniel inside. Collin chatted Daniel's ear off. I would occasionally peep in the room to see both of them smiling.

I couldn't tell if Daniel was enjoying it or just acting. But the sight made me feel a little bit better about the whole situation.

It was getting close to dinner time. Collin was setting up the game console to play something.

I was drinking some tea when a voice brought me out of my own thoughts.

"So, can you cook?"

I turned around to see Daniel leaning against the doorway. "Why do you ask?"

"Our date is off."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't take you out without your brother and he doesn't seem like he wants us to leave."


"I just couldn't say no to playing video games. I don't realize that you had a Nintendo 64."

"Yeah, it's old but it's great."

"Yeah, I'm about to show your brother how a master plays."

"Hahaha, good luck with that. We play for hours on that thing, he is a master."

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