Chapter 3: Was he...Asking Me Out?

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Lots of people kept looking at me in the corridors and whispering, but what else should I expect I’m new after all.

"Hey new girl" I guess that's now my permanent name until someone else joins, It was a guy called Charlie I’ve seen him around school he was one of Luke’s friends. Luke Adam, Al and Charlie were always together, they were practically joined at the hip, wherever one went the rest weren’t far behind.

"It's Amber" I said politely to him.

"Good luck" Kara whispered into my ear. "We'll meet you at the usual spot." one of them called I wasn't sure who.

I wasn't entirely sure where ‘the spot’ is? Now I will have to go and look for them, with my luck ill just end up getting lost. Maybe I should call out after them… "Hello?" Charlie’s voice broke me out of my daydream.

"Hi" I replied. It was just us in the corridor now everyone else had gone to get their lunch. Which is where I should be before my stomach makes a sound quite similar to a dying whale. It's only a matter of time.

"Nice locker" He said. I wasn’t sure whether he was being sarcastic or not but I thought I should give it the benefit of the doubt.

“Thanks” I replied. I guess that no one else had tried decorating their locker before. Giving him a forced smile. He looked at something behind me.

"I...err...have to go” he turned and darted down the corridor.

Crap! I forgot to ask the girls where to go! I heard footsteps behind me they were getting louder. Someone squeezed my waist. This made me jump. "Ouch" I whispered. I hate it when people do that it really hurts.

"Babe, it was only a joke" a very smug Luke was standing behind me. I think he's out to permanently annoy me! "Don't call me babe" I practically yelled.

"Ok Princess" he really couldn't be any bigger headed could he?

“AWW that’s so sweet! You think I’m a princess!” Maybe if I act like I like the name he will get bored and stop using it. If I was going to have a nickname I at least wanted it to be a nice one! Not some stupid name.

"Perfect it stays then" he winked at me. I was so annoyed I walked off it the opposite direction. I heard footsteps coming towards me again. But this time it was definitely more than one person. What if he was back with his gang? What if they were going to do something horrible to me?

"There you are!" it was Ashley thank goodness. "We forgot you have never been to our spot, was that Luke who just walked past?"

"Err, yeah"

"I thought you were talking to Charlie?”


“Anyway I'm hungry lets go"

So all in all my first day went pretty well. Obviously apart from being totally embarrassed on a number of occasions. I got a text from Ashley that night.

Ashley: There is a party in a few weeks, the girls and I are going, want to come?

Me: Yeah sounds like fun

Ashley: I'll pick you up at 8 you can sleep round mine after?

Me: Yeah can't wait!

I knew exactly what I would wear! I had a pair of denim high wasted shorts that I hadn't worn yet adding a baggy top finished off my outfit, I would bring a leather jacket and my favourite pair of heels, they are a lot more comfortable than they look trust me! Now I just have to wait till Saturday. I'm sure mum will let me go.

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