Chapter 1: Foxy

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I stepped out of my car and took a deep breath. After scanning the area I saw massive buildings, a football field and lots of moody teenagers who probably didn’t want to wake up early on Monday morning. Yes this seemed like my new school.

I patted my car silently thanking it for being so reliable and never letting me down before. My hands decided to start going clammy as I started to make my way towards my new school. I took one last look at me car to make sure I don’t forget where I had parked it. I made my way towards what looks like the reception. I willed myself to think happy thought. Even if I didn’t have any friends right now I’m sure that I could make some… Right?

Moving house over the summer was stressful. Especially making sure I had remembered everything. Especially, as the new house is nowhere near where we used to live. Obviously it was too much to ask for mum to get a new job without having to move. But on the bright side she seemed much happier.

The new house is a reasonable size; the Tudor style house is old with an off white tint. But I thought that it gave it character. It’s like when you have a new pair of shoes. When they get dirty it’s as if there telling their own little story.

The best bit about having moved was sorting out the mess in my bedroom; it is no understatement when I say a bomb could have hit it. I don’t mean everything was destroyed but the mess was awful. Not being organised has its drawbacks. At least my new one is tidy, for now anyway. My new house is really near the shops, I love shopping!

I still hadn’t caught on to what mum’s new job was even though it has been all she has been talking about for around... three months. Although it didn’t really bother me as long as she enjoys it. Recently she has been out most of the time running errands so it’s given me some time to explore and relax before starting a new school.

My hand subconsciously moves to playing with the bracelet that is round my wrist, it is a silver charm bracelet I have been building up for almost a year now. My latest addition was a red heart I was given from my closest friends when I left school to move out here.

I approached the school receptionist with caution.

"Hi I'm Amber Fox I start today"

"Take a seat" A cheery receptionist sang to me. The reception was a dull grey colour it had white tiled floors, the walls closest to the car park were made of glass so you could see out of them. I wonder what the rest of the school is like. Being put here last minute was not ideal but what could I do?

"Ahem” A voice stopped my trail of thoughts. “Hello I'm Mrs Kerr; I'm your new form tutor. Follow me"

As I stood up I took one last look around reception before I followed her. This is the form teacher I will have to see almost every day for the rest of the year. Her brown short straight hair bobbed up and down with every step she took and her oversized glasses made her face look small. Her navy blazer and white shirt gave off the impression she is important and likes to be well dressed. I looked at her face and notice her almost flawless, wrinkle free skin, showing me how young she is. One thought going through my mind at that point was whether she was nice or not?

"Keep up or you will get lost!" she yells over to me.

I followed her into a computer room; at least I won't be so bored if I don't make any friends. I suppose. I stepped in to see 25 faces staring up at me making me feel self-conscious. My cheeks instantly started to heat up. The fact I know that my face is turning red is making it even worse.

"Hello class, we have a new student joining us today, Amber Fox, I know how lovely you all are so I expect you to make her feel welcome"

"She sure is FOXY" I stood there in shock at the poor attempt at coughing out that sentence. That brought up a burst of laughter leaving me stood there feeling rather silly. I never have and never will understand why people feel the need to make comments on my last name. Looking over to the source of my discomfort I see a group of guys who were… rather good looking actually. Not that it will make I difference. I push all thought of how good they look to the back of my head and tiedy to pull off a sweet smile. Trying desperately not to say anything back in case that it will egg them on.  I kept finding my gaze falling back on the group as I am standing there in silently.

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