Chapter 7: Detention

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My maths class were gathering round the door, being the short person that It was difficult to see what they were looking at. One by one the crown began to shrink and finally I could see what the big fuss was about. Neatly tapped up to the door was a seating plan. At first glance I saw my name right at the back silently thanking the teacher. It was only at second glace I saw who I was sat next to. To my displeasure I was next to none other than Luke.

I walked towards the back getting envious looks from nearly all of the girls I passed. Feeling like saying “Hey, trust me in not any more pleased than you are” but what help would that have been? I took my seat next to Luke who was scribbling something on a piece of paper. He didn’t even look up when I sat down, it must have been quite important.

A scrunched up piece of paper hit me on the shoulder, I retrieved it from the floor and opened it out. Luke started laughing I joined in. 

“Something funny?” an angry looking maths teacher glared at me.

“No sir”

“Why don’t you share it with the class?”

“I don’t think I should”

“I insist”

Now remember I was only following the teacher’s instructions when reading this out.

“Do you have a map? Because I’m getting lost in your eyes.” I spoke dramatically, it was only a joke after all. At that point the whole class burst out laughing. The teacher’s face was bright red, he looked angry.


“Amber. Luke. Out! Now!” I wish I knew who threw that piece of paper then maybe they could have got the blame. I sprung up out of my seat as a result of being prodded on my hips by Luke who seemed to be enjoying this way too much.

The teacher stomped out of the classroom “detention now, stay there for the rest of the lesson” With that he turned around slamming the door in my face before I could ask where to go. A muscular arm wrapped arm around my waist it lead me down the corridor. “Come on Princess I’ll show you where it is” his voice was calm, I felt butterflies in my stomach, his touch made me go weak at the knees. I could feel my face going red.

“Here we are” we stopped inform of a dark blue door.

“Wow, your second home is wonderful” I laughed and to my surprise Luke joined in. I couldn’t help but smile knowing that I had made someone happy.

“I have to make it look nice to impress pretty girl like yourself” I have to admit that made me blush. That was a really sweet thing to say. I think he knew how awkward I felt; he removed his arm from my waist making me feel cold I was getting used to feeling his body heat. It was nice, comforting.

We walked into an empty classroom, there was no one here? I was stuck with Luke for a whole hour. Luke walked to the back of the classroom he took a seat near the window, he gestured to me to go sit with him.

I sat down I found my notebook in my bag, I loved to draw and right now what was on my mind was drama auditions, I was really nervous drawing/doodling helped me relax. I drew Drama Audition in the middle of the page; I looked up to see Luke staring at me. “What?” I asked trying to hide the embarrassment from my voice.

What happened next I could have sworn happened in slow motion? His hand cupped my face; his thumb rubbed my face along my cheekbone. I felt sparks shoot along my face. I looked into his emerald green eyes

“You had pen on your face” his face started to turn a light shade of pink, he was embarrassed! He looked so cute.

He sat down handing me a whiteboard and pen. Sirhc was written on the side.


“My name backwards” he explained renraw was written next to it. It was his surname, I decided to copy what he was doing writing rebma xof  on mine.

“Write everything back to front” he said. Hannah I wrote on mine.

“Clever” he winked at me. I was about to write something else when he grabbed my wrist, he held my wrist so delicately as if it were going to break.

“Look beautiful” he said.

“It’s my charm bracelet” I told him what they all meant, who gave them to me. The bell went. I grabbed my notebook closing it I leaned over to put it back in my bag; the door slammed which made me jump. I looked around to see an empty classroom. I looked at my whiteboard written in black under my name was


I meant to say you look beautiful’

I had a massive smile on my face as I wiped off his whiteboard but almost couldn’t bring myself to do the same to mine. What a cheesy move. He acted all dark and mysterious but he was so kind and sweet. I didn’t want to forget what he had written it made me smile so much. Reluctantly I rubbed of the writing. I rushed out knowing I would most likely be late to my next class.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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