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Fiona's POV

I slowly pulled away from Michael and looked him in the eyes.  His dull green eyes were wide and full of shock.  I backed away from Michael, receiving a small protest from my wolf.  I shouldn't of done that, he probably doesn't think of me that way.

"Are you the one that kissed me at the hospital?"  Michael finally spoke, he sounded calm, too calm.

"Uh yes, I don't know why I did it and I'm sorry."  I looked down at my lap, God I was so stupid for doing that.  I jumped slightly when I felt Michael's hands touch my cheeks, I looked up just as he attached his lips onto mine.  His lips move against mine slowly, causing my heart to melt as I kissed him back. 

"Hey Michael...Holy mother of cheese!"  We pulled away at the sound of Angel's voice, we turned our gaze to Angel and River standing in the doorway.  Angel was cross between fangirling and wanting to cry.  "I thought you took off and left us!"  Angel ran over to me and tackled me onto the bed.   

"I was talking to Michael after getting off the phone with my mother."  I gasped from under Angel's weight.   

"That looked way more than talking to me."  Angel giggled while climbing off me, "if that is talking I wonder what my cousin is doing now with Skye."  Angel shivered before bouncing over to River.  "Well now that I know you didn't leave us, me and River are going back to our room and sleep."  Angel blew me a kiss then pulled River out of Michael's room. 

"I'm so sorry Michael, I should of known someone was going to walk in on us."  I blushed, I heard Michael chuckle so I looked over at him smiling.

"It's okay, besides I like the thought of someone seeing us together."  Michael turned his blank gaze towards me, the smile never left his lips.  "I think we should sleep now, are you still staying in here?" 

"Uh, yea why not."  I blushed, Michael scooted towards the wall and crawled under the blanket.  I turned off the light then crawled onto the bed beside Michael.

In the morning I got out of bed extra early to go on my morning run.  I looked over at Michael, his lips were slightly parted and looked kissable.  I bit my lip before leaving his bed and the room.  I wandered over to my room to change into some jogging clothes. 

I finished changing and headed towards the front door, I stopped at the kitchen when I heard movement.  Peeking in, I saw Snow standing at the stove.  She was surrounded by mixing bowls, desserts, and different ingredients.  Why is she up baking at this time?

"Snow?"  Snow jumped slightly, dropping an egg in the process.  "What are you doing up this early?"  I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Couldn't sleep so I thought I would bake before my father's servants take away the kitchen."  Snow grabbed another egg, ignoring the one she dropped, and cracked it.

"By the looks of it you made enough cakes and cookies for all of Hell, how long have you been awake?"  I opened up the fridge to find more cakes and some brownies. 

"What time is it now?"  She asked while mixing.

"Five in the morning, can I have a cookie?"  I asked while grabbing a suger cookie.

"Yea and I been awake since yesterday.  I didn't sleep at all."  Snow poured the mix into a pan and put it in the oven, she then pulled out another pan of red velvet cake.

"Is it nightmares still?"  I reached for a cupcake which got my hand smacked.

"Sure we will go with that, so what are you doing up?"  Snow placed the cupcakes nicely onto a cake then wrapped it with her angel grace.

"I always go for a jog this early, that is why I am always up making breakfast."  I yawned, "I need to go before people start waking up, clean up that egg and save me some of that red velvet cake."  Snow waved her hand before checking on something in the oven. 

I exited the house then put some headphones in before jogging down the stairs.  Why does Lucifer have a house like this in freaking Florida.  I groaned before jogging toward the sidewalk.  I loved the fact that I have night vision so I can see where I was going. 

I jogged about two miles before jogging back to the house.  I was a mile away when I felt a sharp pain in my head.  I groaned and fell to my knees while grabbing my head. 

"Let me control!  Let me control!  LET ME CONTROL!"  I fell onto my side and gripped my head harder.  What the hell is wrong with my wolf? 
"Ma'am are you okay?"  I looked up and stared at a blonde emo looking boy.  "Ma'am?"  I blacked out from the pain.

When I came to I was laying on a bed with the sun shining in my eyes.  Someone placed a damp rag on my forehead.

"Morning miss, how are you feeling?"  I turned my head to look at the blonde boy.

"Where am I?"  I groaned as I tried to sit up.  The boy gently pushed me back down.

"Don't get up, you need to rest.  I'm Rory by the way."  Rory put the rag back on my forehead.

"I'm Fiona and I need to get back to the house I'm staying at."  I tried to sit up again. 

"Where are you staying?"  Rory asked, he let me sit up.

"The big ass beach house a mile from where I blacked out."  I reached for the glass of water that Rory offered me.

"Holy shit how did you affored that house?"  Rory was shocked, "that house is super expansive, you would have to sell your soul for that place."

"Close enough, my friend's father let us use it for a couple of days.  Oh shit they must be worried sick.  Where is my phone?"  I looked around and found my phone on the side table.  I grabbed it and saw that I had a shit load of missed calls and text messages.  I called Angel back first, forgetting Rory was in the room.

"Fiona! Where the fuck are you!"  Angel yelled, I had to pull the phone away as she continued screaming.

"Calm down, I just blacked out while jogging.  A guy brought me to his place till I woke up, I'll be there in a few minutes."

No I'll come get you, where are you?"  I handed Rory the phone so he could tell her.  I looked around the house while Rory explained to Angel where he lived.

"Here you go, is she the one with the father that bought the place?"  Rory asked while handing me the phone.

"No, she is the cousin."  I pocketed my phone and stood up.  "Sorry to take up your time."

"Nah you good, besides I enjoyed someone as beautiful as you keeping me company."  I blushed as Rory leaned closer towards me.

"I uh as a boyfriend." I panicked, Rory leaned back and stared at me sadly. 

"I would like to meet this boyfriend one day."  He stood up and walked out of the bedroom.  I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.  Holy shit.

"Mate!"  You got to be fucking kidding me.

I'm really sorry for the slow updates.  I been busy looking for a job and I just found out that I'm going to be an Uncle.  I'll try to update faster for aa you readers.  Oh I'm also using Rory for another story that has nothing to do with this series.  Anywho laterz °μ°

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