Home sweet fuck you

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Fiona's POV

It has been two weeks now so now we are packing our stuff to leave the beach house.  Apparently Snow was pregnant and Angel didn't want to leave the house since she didn't have to clean up her cousin's mess.

"I don't want to leave, can you ask your dad to use another beach house?"  Angel pouted, Crystal just rolled her eyes and tried pulling her sister to the car. 

"I don't want to stay here for another minute, besides we have to get back to work."  Snow said angrily, she didn't like the fact that she wasn't aloud to do things without the servants pushing her out of the room.  She also doesn't like the fact that her father is trying to get some of his demons to stay with her at the house. 

"I love the beach, makes my screws sparkle in the sun."  Spade slurred, never thought I would see a puppet get drunk. 

"Can we hurry up and get home before I run back inside and slaughter ever single demon."  Snow growled, she climbed into the car.  Poor girl, she is going to have to make regular hospital visits now.

"Is everything ready to go?"  River asked, everyone nodded then hopped into the cars.

We arrived back to the houses in  couple of hours by zapping from point A to point B.  We unpacked the cars then headed inside for lunch.  After lunch Skye dragged Snow to the hospital to make sure Snow was pregnant and not going crazy.  Good thing to, now we don't have to worry about a moody antichrist.

"I'm bored, Fiona entertain me."  Angel groaned, she was laid across the couch with a stuffed tabby cat.  I glared over at Angel, she was acting different but I just shrugged it off.

"What could I possibility do to entertain you?"  I asked from the chair I was sitting in, I looked over to River who was sleeping on another chair.  "Wake up your fiancé so he can entertain you."

"Don't want to, I want to hang out with you sense we haven't really done anything alone for who knows how long.  Oh lets go to the mall, it can be just you and me and maybe my sister if she is up to it."  Angel jumped up, throwing the toy cat at River who woke up in shock.

"What, why are you throwing toys at me?  Where the hell did you even get this?"  River held up the cat while rubbing his head.

"Good question, well me and Fiona are going to the mall for a girls day.  Do you mind watching Michael while we are gone."  Angel pouted her lip, River sighed.

"Have fun and I will watch Michael while your out Fiona."  River yawned while Angel cheered.  I laughed at the two, I walked out of the room and towards mine so I could tell Michael that I was leaving. 

"Psst Michael."  I walked over to the side of the bed where Michael was sleeping.  "Michael."  I sat down on the bed and started rubbing his arm.

"Mm Fiona, what time is it?"  Michael rolled over and faced me, his eyelids were droopy so I could tell he was fighting to stay awake.

"Sh, I just came to tell you that I'm going out with Angel and Crystal.  River is going to help you out if you need anything."  I whispered before kissing his forehead.  "Go back to sleep and don't forget to call River if you need anything."  Michael mumbled an okay before falling back to sleep.

After dragging Crystal away from her video game, we headed to the mall.  Angel and Crystal was getting hit on by every guy here, as for me I was repelling them thanks to my mark from Michael.  Who knew that demon marks repels humans? 

"I swear to god if one more boy walks up to me I'm killing them on the spot."  Angel growled just as a guy tried to talk to her. 

"Girl get used to it, that is what happens when you are a vampire, you became ungodly hot."  I said, Angel glared at me.

"Then why are guys talking to me?  I'm ungodly ugly."  Crystal mumbled, she sent a death glare to a group of guys who were pointing at us and smirking.  "What about you Fiona, you are gorgeous why aren't the boys talking to you?"  Both girls looked at me from head to toe.

"It is because I was marked by a demon, demons give of a human repellent so no human will try and mate with me.  I find it cute that he didn't know that until after we mated."  I smiled at the two who were glaring back at me.  "Also, you are very sexy Crystal.  If someone ever tells you different I'll hunt them down and feast on there flesh."

"What about vampire mate marks?"  Angel asked, she was rubbed her neck where there was a faint mark from River.

"My guess is that it repels vampires and other supernatural creatures."  I said as we walked into Spencer's.  "So, why did we come to the mall again?" 

"Hello, Snow might be having a baby and Spencer's has the best baby stuff.  I mean look at this stuff, bibs, baby clothes, cute little pacifiers.  Oh I want a baby now."  Angel held up a baby footie pajamas that said Best Fucking Uncle.  I rolled my eyes, but picked up some more baby stuff. 

"Why don't you and River have kids?"  I asked, Angel pouted at my question.

"He said it's impossible for a made vampire to get pregnant,  only born vamps can get prego.  I did bring up the thought of adoption and he said he will think about it."  Angel held up a baby batman shirt.

"I thought you didn't like kids?"  Crystal asked, she was ignoring the baby stuff and looking at women lingerie.  "Have you tried using this stuff?"  Crystal picked up a sexy mini skirt and something lacey.

"No, Michael can't see it."  I put down the baby clothes and walked over to Crystal.

"No but he can feel and use his imagination."  Angel smirked, she also walked over to us and picked up a sexy school girl outfit.  "Do you think River will like me in this?"  I laughed at Angel's question as did Crystal.

"Ladies, did you uh find everything you need?"  We looked over at a guy worker, the poor guy was blushing.

"We are good, thank you."  I smiled at the guy, he nodded then backed away quickly.  We just giggled as he disappeared somewhere.

"Poor guy, well we better get what we came for and leave, we don't want to keep the guys waiting."  Crystal said while laughing. 

We bought some adult women stuff before leaving the store.  I also bought a pair of baby clothes because I thought they were cute.  We were heading towards Hot Topic when Angel got a phone call from Snow.

"We didn't know how long you were going to be and I was bored." Silence. "What, what do you mean two?"  More silence.  "How the hell are you that far along?"  Muffled sobbing.  "Darling, calm down it is okay."  Angel looked towards us with a sad smile.  "No, you are beautiful and Skye will still love you with all his heart."  Me and Crystal looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Angel.  She hung up and took a deep sigh.

"What is wrong?"  Crystal and I asked at the same time.

"Since my cousin isn't completely human, her pregnancy is going faster than a normal human female pregnancy.  She is going to have her babies sooner then we expected."

"Wait, babies?"  I asked, Angel smiled a little.

"Snow is having twins."

Yes, Snow is having kids.  I'm going to be doing another series after I finish this series, I have one more story after this one then I'll start working on the other.  The second series will be based on the character's children.  This story isn't anywhere near its ending so be expecting some death, blood, maybe sex, and maybe a wedding.  Well I has to go, later.


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