Baby boys

18 1 0

Fiona's POV

It has been a couple of months since we have spoken to the boys, Snow does talk to Michael to let him know what is going on.  He was happy to hear that he was going to be a father, but he still keeping his word about me changing my wolf and I respect that.  My mom has been helping me with my demon wolf and I have made process, she is also helping Snow throughout her pregnancy.  We had a small baby shower, Snow's mom came to the shower with her husband which was a dumb idea. 

Right now me, Angel, and Snow were laying on my bed watching Netflix.  We just finished season eight of Supernatural when Angel got a phone call from Skye.

"Answer it and tell him Snow isn't talking to him." I said after paused Netflix, Snow got off the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

"Hello?" Angel yawned into the phone. "Snow doesn't want to talk to you since you called me instead of her." Silence.  "I don't care, you should of called her phone or at least tried to come see her.  She is getting close to having your kids and you are not here for her.  Me and Fiona had to take her to the doctor for her visits and helped her with her weird needs." I stretched while Angel yelled at Skye, the room was quiet before there was a scream from the bathroom.

"Snow?" I jumped up and ran over to the door.  "Snow are you okay?"

"They are coming!" She whimpered in pain.  "My water broke Fiona, I need to get to the damn hospital." I opened the bathroom door to see Snow holding her stomach.

"Angel we need to get Snow to the hospital, my brother's car is parked out back.  Pull it around front, take all her needs with you."  Angel nodded, she hung up the phone then grabbed a bag of Snow's things.  I walked over to Snow to help her out of the bathroom and into the other room.  "Ghost, tell my mom when she gets back that we are heading to the hospital!" I yelled, Ghost came running into the room.  She looked at Snow then nodded before running into another room.

I sat in the back seat with Snow while Angel drove to the hospital.  Snow was whimpering Skye's name in pain.  I looked up at Angel who was looking at me in the review mirror.  I pulled Snow's phone out of her pocket and dialed Skye's number.

"Snow!" Skye sounded panicked when he picked up.

"No, it's Fiona but Snow needs you so I'm going to put the phone up to her ear."

"Alright." I put the phone next to Snow's ear, I could hear Skye telling Snow sweet things to calm her down.  I stroked Snow's hair while Skye talked to her.

Angel pulled into the emergency spot at the hospital, I handed Angel the phone while I helped Snow out of the car.  Angel brought over a wheelchair so I could sit Snow in it, Angel gave Snow the phone back and she continued to speak to him.  I wheeled Snow inside and ordered a nurse to take Snow back right away.

(time skip)

Angel and I were sitting in the waiting room while Skye, who showed up a couple minutes after they took Snow back, was in the room with Snow.  Snow's real father and fake mother showed up and sat with us in the waiting room. 

"Angel, Fiona?" I looked up to see Michael, being guided by a huge beast like dog, walked towards us.  I got up and hugged Michael, he was slightly surprised but hugged back anyway.  "I missed you babe, it hurts to be away from you this long."

"I miss you too Michael, when are you coming back to me.  My mom has helped me with my demon wolf and I didn't tackle you, shouldn't that be a signed that I changed?" I looked into Michael's faded green eyes with hope.

"I'm coming home after we are done here, I can't stand another day without you." Michael leaned down and kissed me.  "Besides, I'm going to be there for you while you go through this." Michael rubbed my belly and kissed my head. 

"I love you Michael." I said smiling up at the boy I fell in love with.

"I love you too Fiona." Michael leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Boo, get a room." Angel pouted, I pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Angel who didn't see River standing behind her with a bouquet of roses.

"Feeling left out babe?" Angel stiffened at the sound of River's voice, I watched in amusement as she slowly turned around and faced her fiancé.  River got down on one knee and held the roses out towards Angel.  "I'm sorry I reacted the way I did, I was just scared.  The last time a made vampire somehow got pregnant, she died during childbirth and I don't want to lose you.  I know I didn't try to reach out to you in a couple of months, I was doing research, I wanted to see if I could find a way for you to survive childbirth." I smiled at the sight in front of me; Angel was shaking a little before she jumped into River's arms, causing him to drop the roses so he could hold her.

"Awe, I love happy endings." Gushed Lucifer, we all looked at him confused before laughing. 

"Hey guys, Snow wants Fiona and Angel to go see her." Skye said when he poked his head out of the room.  I looked at Angel then started walking towards the room Snow was in.  Skye walked out of the room and towards the waiting area while Angel and I entered the room.  Snow looked up at us and smiled, she was crying tears of joy while holding two bundles of blue blankets in both of her arms. 

"Hey, I wanted you two to see them before anyone else." We walked over to Snow's side, Angel on her right and me on her left.  I grabbed the little bundle from Snow and held him in my arms just as Angel did the same.  I looked down at the little boy in my arms, his eyes were a big and a beautiful mixture of blue and purple.  The small amount  of hair on his head was black at the scalp and white at the tips, the boy made a small gurgle noise before smiling.

"Awe they are so cute." Angel walked over to me and looked at the one I was holding.  "The eyes are different but other than that they look alike." I looked at the baby Angel was holding, she was right this baby's eyes were different from this one.  His left eye was purple while the right was bright blue, just like his momma.

"The nurse said these two were the most rare babies she seen, the one with two different eyes is Dean and the other is Dirk.  Dean is the younger twin and Dirk is the oldest." Snow yawned, "you can go show everyone before the nurse puts them down to rest." We nodded, we took the boys out of the room and towards the small waiting room we were in.  I walked over to Snow's dad and fake mom while Angel walked over to River and Spade.

(time skip)

Angel, River, Michael, Spade, and I returned to River's house after the nurse put the twins to sleep.  Angel and River made up and so did Michael and I, Skye refuses to ever leave Snow's side again.

"I can't wait until my little girl is born, she is going to be best friends with the boys." Angel said while rubbing her small baby bump.

"All of our kids will be best friends since their momma's are so close." Michael said while rubbing my bare belly.

"What if Fiona has a girl and the boys choose between my daughter and Fiona's daughter?" Angel asked from River's lap.

"Wouldn't that be incest since Angel and Snow are cousins?" Spade asked from the kitchen.

"Yup so they better back of my baby girl." River said sternly while the rest of us laughed, I love my big happy family.

This is the end of this book, the next one will be put out soon.  The last book of this series, which is called "What is Love?", is going to take place after Angel and Fiona's kids are born and they are about four years old instead of babies.  Well I hope you guys enjoyed, tell me what you think in the comments or message me on my kik  which is The_strange_creature.  Laterz

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