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As Myra gazed into Axel's eyes the question still remained, was she sure? She sighed, and Axel groaned.

"It's not that.." He sighed and fell to the opposite side of Myra on the bed. She leaned on his chest "look, I like you I do, honest but I have to deal with some loose ends first" he closed his eyes and sighed. "I understand love" she softly smiled at him and began to study his face.

His eyebrows thick, as well as his eyelashes, chin stern and strong, nose slender. He was so perfect, there wasn't a single flaw in his face, it was amazing. How could he have such a perfect face, she envisioned she had one of the most imperfect faces ever. She had dark spots and every now and then an occasional pimple.

She just could believe the factor that she had just sucked face with Adonis.


Myra P.O.V.

I woke up wrapped around his strong embrace. A smile escaped my lips as I moved and he pulled me closer. I just wanted this moment to last forever, him holding me, I've never felt so safe.

As I wiggled out of his embrace his arm began searching for me and quickly got a hold of my pillow. I giggled at his movement as I went to the bathroom to go pee and do my morning routine. Looking under his sink I found a spare toothbrush.

After I came out the bathroom Axel was awake and looking for me, he calmed when he saw me walk out the bathroom "morning love" he said making me smile. "Morning" I said giving him a sweet kiss causing him to deepen the kiss ever so slightly. "You have to go to school" I groaned at the thought of school, he laughed at my remark. "I know I'd much rather you be here with me too but I promised your mom."

I gave him a puzzled look "you promised my mom? When?" He reached over to the bed side table and grabbed my phone and unlocked it. Axel knows my password? And showed me the text between him and my mom.

"I see so you didn't technically didn't promise, Sabrina did, so I don't have to go" I said throwing myself in the bed laughing. Axel fell back next to me and wrapped me up in his arms, "yes but no, you still have to go" I pouted.

He laughed at my face but gave me a quick kiss on my head "get dressed love" I pouted still but got up only for my ass to earn a slap as I walked to get my jeans.


I walked into my first period to be greeted with global history, not my favorite subject but hey it was my best. I did my work until the Bell rang and was on my way to my second period only to be tackled by my best friend. Laughing I turned around to hug her "sup Mo!" I said a smile evident on my face. Me and Momo were friends since I started high school in my freshman year and she was in her sophomore year, we've been inseparable since, she's like my big sister.

"What's good bruh, what happened to you last night I texted u on Facebook but u didn't answer?" "Oh I was just someplace with no Wi-Fi" she gave me a bitchplease look "mmhm I bet you was with him again." I groaned at her mention of him. "Mo I wasn't with Ty, me and him are going to break up"

"Sis I'm just saying you've been saying that for a week" I sighed she was right I have. But I was just hoping he'd fix things so I don't have to, after all I do still care for him. "I know Momo but this time I'm serious, I like someone else, and besides you know why I've been putting it off" she sighed "I know bruh, but you know I'm here if you need me ok" I smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I know sis, love you later" I said dashing of to my class leaving her at her class.

Today was the day, no more waiting, this is it.


The Bell rang and it was my last period. I texted Mo telling her I couldn't hang out today cuz I was going to do it today, and she texted saying don't worry you got this we'll still always be FAIRY TALE. Causing a smile to appear on my face, who says you cant choose family.

So I shoved on my black coat and red scarf and went to Ty's house. This was it I'm done with this, I don't want him anymore I want Axel I'm done with his bullshit.


I got to Ty's house and waited for five min until one of his friends walked up to me "hey Myra" I gave her a small smile "I didn't know you were going to hang out with us today" my smile faded, I always hang out what is Ty up to. "Yeah well I really have to talk to Ty so..." I said dragging on so she would get the hint, "well lets hope he gets here soon." Fan-fucking-tastick.

She sat down next to me so I got up to look down the block to see his bus was coming, yes! Thank the gods. His bus pulled up and out he came, he saw the both of us, his eyes darted from mine to hers and his smile disappeared "hey babe, what happened last night I told you to call me" he asked his question directed at me. "Oh, I fell asleep sorry but I have to talk to you" I said to him clearing my throat "privately" I said motioning towards his friend. He nodded in response and asked her to leave and told her he'd meet up with her later.

She left giving me a sour look and we made are way up to the apartment to talk. Once we got inside I took off my shoes and sat on the couch across from where he was standing. "So what's up?" Ty questioned, I sighed "its is over. There is no one else I'm just tired of it all, its always about you and at the end of the day you hurt me, and you know for a fact that you've messed with someone. I've seen things I've heard things and I'm just tired of it all and I don't know how I could trust you anymore. I've paid it no mind again and again I'm not happy anymore, I still care for you still but not in that way, if we were meant to be together maybe just not right now because I don't feel happy anymore. I find myself  dreading hanging out with you anymore. As if I'm constraining myself as a person, I've been so happy being on my own just being me and I just feel like I'm being constrained when I'm with you"

I said blurting it out all at once, not at all looking up at his face only to get it over with. "All we ever do is fight and I get it all couples fight but not every time they're together. Our relationship isn't good at all and is very toxic, I love you I really do but I can't anymore."

Tears began to form in my eyes and even though I was the one saying we're breaking up it still hurt. Unable to take the silence from him I looked up too meet his eyes, still not letting the tears fall from mine, to see a completely defeated man. I didn't want to hurt him, but I just couldn't continue this anymore. I lowered my gaze back down to my feet, he took small strides to me until I was looking at both of our feet.

He whispered "stay" in the most broken voice ever. My eyes widened and my head snapped up to see a tears streaming down his face. "Stay. Please, I'm sorry" he fell to his knees and cried to me "stay, I'm sorry I messed up, please stay, I love you, they didn't mean anything, stay."

My heart sunk. He admitted to it, I knew I already knew but hearing him say it was ten times as worse. I got up, sadness no longer a thing in my mind, as anger filled my veins. "Myra! Wait!" Ty said grabbing for my shoulders, I shakes his hands off me in a second "don't! Just don't touch me! Lose my number, my Facebook, forget where I live everything! I was hoping for it to all be a lie deep inside, I was hoping I was just crazy, but I guess I was wrong too. I'm sorry I trusted you!"

I slipped my shoes on and was out the door in seconds. As much as I wanted it to be a lie, I'm glad it's not, he wasn't good for me anyway.

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