Bitter Sweet.

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Pain. Four letters, one syllable. That was the only thing I started thinking about after I left Ty's place. It wasn't because he cheated on me, no not at all, it was because after I left I just started thinking and walking without a goal in mind and my feet hurt. I definitely wasn't going to wear these shoes anymore.

Who where these girls, how many of them where their, did they have any type of sexual contact or was it just flirting. It would have been nice to ask these things but I don't want to ask a question I don't want the answer to. It's not as if I didn't know, I've known for a month now but to finally hear its true, that I'm not just crazy makes my head spin. My feet really hurt, I should stop somewhere.

Looking up to see where my body has taken me while my mind was in wonderland I saw I had landed on Axel's block. Oh the irony, almost painful. Deciding not to fight it anymore I walked up to his door and rang his bell, maybe I should have called first or texted.

"Who is it?"
"Oh, um its Myra, sorry I should have called or-"
"No, no don't worry about it come up"

I pushed the door open and made my way up, reaching his black door. I pushed the door open and took my shoes off, seeing him in the room my eyes began to water. The shoes i was holding were soon forgotten and fell to the floor with a clunk. The noise seemed to get Axel's attention he got up from the couch and rushed over to me. "Hey baby girl, what's wrong?" He asked placing both hands on my shoulders. I looked up into his eyes and the tears began to poor out. "I was right....he...lied to me...I" I said through harsh sobs. He didn't say anything to me only pulled me into a bone crushing hug and let me sob and cry my eyes out.

After all my crying subsided I realized we were on the floor in front of his apartment door still open, his shirt wet with tears and snot, gross. "I'm sorry about your shirt" I said looking up at him "don't worry about it love" he said with a sad smile. I gave him a weak smile in return, I looked around for a clock and saw it was almost my curfew. I really didn't want to go home I'd much rather stay with Axel he always made me feel happy.

"Is it OK if I stay tonight too?" He nodded "you can always stay here kitten" I got up off the floor and closed the door and walked back to Axel and hugged him. "I'm sorry I came to you like that."

He shook his head "love don't even worry about it, I know, it still hurts hearing it all be confirmed, finally knowing you were right. Being lied to isn't fun" I gave him a weak smile. "No don't smile until your ready, I wanna see your real smile, your honest smile, your biggest smile" Axel said all while looking at me with a weak smile.

"I don't know what it is Axel, but you make me feel loved" I said. "There's that smile" he said his hand caressing my cheek, arm around my waist, and love in his eyes. I don't know what I was missing out on but I'm glad I'm not anymore.

Leaning up I went on my tippy-toes, closing my eyes and gave him a bitter sweet kiss. God this boy.

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