His apartment

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It had been a week since Myra had last seen Axel but she wasn't upset about it. They had been texting nonstop since she had gotten his number. She laughed and smiled so much more within this past week with him then with anyone else, he was just so perfect in her eyes.

"Hey babe" he said as he got off his bus to great Myra, "hey" she said not looking up, she was sending Axel a funny picture she had seen and knew he'd laugh at. "Who you texting?" He asked her, "no one, I'm just commenting something on Wattpad is all" she said knowing he'd have no interest. She knew she was lying to him but its not as though she was cheating on him they were only good friends, despite her little crush on him.

"Babe did you hear me?" He said shaking Myra out of her thoughts "huh? No sorry what's up?" He sighed "forget it" he said in a harsh tone she flinched at. He opened the door to his building and walked in not bothering to hold the door for her causing it to nearly hit her. She glared at his back all the way to the elevator. "All I asked was for you to repeat yourself" she said still glaring at him.

"Well you know I don't like repeating myself" he said with a hard glare at nothing in particular. The elevator arrived with a ding signaling it was at the first floor now, he opened the door and held it open this time. "Well? Are you getting in, we have people to meet up with soon I just have to grab something and then we can leave." She shook her head "no actually I have to go, but call me later when you get home ok?" He nodded and leaned down for his kiss, she mentality sighed but gave him a quick kiss and left "love you" he called out, but she was already out the building and outside texting Axel.

-hey what are you doing want to hang out?

-sure I'm at home, your text kind of woke me up, wanna just come over? I'm kind of tired.

-just tell me the address and I'm their.

Myra P.O.V.

After receiving Axel's address I was on my way over to his house. Now I wasn't some stupid girl who would just go to some guys house I met about week ago, I was a girl to talk to you and slowly gather as much info on you as I could. And slowly but surely I got what I was looking for.

Axel was 21 and he just moved out of his parents place and lives alone now. He has a younger brother and sister, his favorite color is green, just like his amazing eyes and he is 6'1. He wasn't a big bookworm like I had expected him to be but he loved watching movies, and was currently employed, as to doing what I hoped to find out soon.

Looking up to see the address he had given me I walked up the steps to ring his bell, apartment 6C. "Hello?" Axel said his voice sounding obviously sleepy and deeper then usual, "its Myra" I said. The buzz being heard I pushed the front door open and walked up to the elevator and pressed 6.


Walking into his floor I saw a black door open that read 6C in silver letters. I pushed the door open to see shoes in front the door, almost on instinct I took mine off as well to reveal pink batman socks. Walking into the house I saw a stunning view of the city before anything. My mouth left ajar I stared at it not noticing I wasn't the only one in the room until he spoke up, "amazing view right" I looked to my left to see a shirtless Axel scratching his head with a cup of coffee in his hand, a pair of gray joggers hanging dangerously low on his hips.

Oh my god I can die happy now knowing I've seen Adonis in the flesh. Realizing I was staring I looked up to see a smirk on Axel's face as his green eyes met mine, I blush immediately took over my face as I looked away back to the view.

"Yeah its amazing, I could just look at it all day" I said talking more about Axel then the view. He smiled and walked over handing me a mug of hot chocolate and whipped cream, I smiled at the gesture and walked over to the couch with him. "It better be that view cost more then my rent."

"God your place is amazing, can I move in?" I said with a smile which he returned to me, "sure why not" he said causing me to laugh. I sighed "if only." "You know your welcome here anytime you want, day or night, I'll be here waiting if you need me " he said with a soft smile. Drinking my hot chocolate I set it down on the glass table. "You know your the best right" "damn Skippy I am" he said causing me to laugh.

Getting more comfy on his couch I laid back and put my head down as Axel turned on the TV and turned on Arrow, I loved this show.

Sitting in silence as we watched the show sleep slowly took over but not before I saw Axel looking at me lovingly as sleep took over.

Axel P.O.V.

Myra fell asleep a small smile gracing her lips as soft snores escaped her beautiful lips, her long brown hair spilled over the couch like a waterfall and her glasses tilted slightly on her face. A smile crept along my face as I thought god she's so beautiful, I walked over to her and crouched down and played with her hair and caressed her face. I couldn't get enough of this girl, I just want to make her mine, I know inside though she only thinks of me as a friend and I don't want to ruin that. So for now I'll keep my feelings inside and be her best friend if that's what she wants.

I hesitated to pick her up loving the cute pose she made as she slept but nevertheless picked her up and brought her to my bed anyway and tucked her in bed putting her glasses on the bed side table. As if on cue her phone vibrated in her pocket, I reached over and picked up her phone to see a text from her mom.

-where are you???

Unlocking her phone I texted her mom back.

Hi this is her friend Sabrina sorry for the late notice but Myra fell asleep at my house. Is it cool she stays the night? we go to the same school so she'll definitely be present for class tomorrow.

-sure but tell her next time she better tell me or drink her ass some coffee.

Laughing at her mom sarcastic remark I locked her phone and put it in the end table. Looking over at her cute sleeping face I leaned down to her ear and whispered "don't make your password so easy love" into her ear and got up.

As I was about to leave the room her phone vibrated  so I went to see who it was. It was a call from someone listed as Ty, with a heart emoji. Deciding against myself I picked up, I know I said I'd stay friends but that doesn't mean I won't still be protective against her. Walking out of the room I picked up "hello" I said my voice stern "who the fuck is this!" A male voice said yelling "a friend, Myra can't come to the phone right now, may I ask who's calling" I said my voice still stern, sounding more like a demand then a question. "Her fucking boyfriend that's who! NOW who the fuck is this!?! Where's Myra!?"

Ouch. That hurt. Her boyfriend? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "This is her cousin and she's sleeping, so cool your nuts dude, I'll tell her to call you when she wakes up" hanging up the phone I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Boyfriend. You have got to be kidding me.

Running a hand through my hair I stood puzzled. What the fuck am I supposed to do, act like I don't know, ask her why she didn't tell me. I paused, she would have told you Axel if she wanted you to know, their must be some reason she didn't tell me, something important.

Then it hit me like a cold snowball to the face. She has but never used the word boyfriend, I mean she must she's never talks about him and when she talks about any other guy she always says how rude he is and how he cant put any effort into anything or how he's just all over the place. He was the guy who she said she's just going to let him 'feel himself' while she does her own thing. Poor guy doesn't know he's basically been dumped. Well chump she's mine now so you better more or I'll move you.

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