Are you sure?

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Myra slowly opened her eyes to look at an unfamiliar ceiling and unfamiliar room. As she drank in her surroundings she realized she was in Axel's house, in his room. A bright blush covered her face as she realized she was in a mans bed where he slept at night. Shyness suddenly being something she often felt around Axel and the little things he does to her.

She suddenly thought to herself, where's Axel? Shouldn't he be here, looking over to the digital clock on her left it read 9:00.

Myra P.O.V.

Oh shit it can't be nine o'clock, I got here around five that was four hours ago! My mother was going to kill me! Reaching over to get my phone to see my mother's bombarding texts of bring your åss home now, I taped my phone to see a blank screen, no texts from mom saying come home. Nothing.

Ok what universe am I in because this doesn't happen, not to me. Hearing the sound of squeaky nozzles I looked to my left to see a closed door to what I assumed to be the bathroom. The door opening revealing steam and a wet Axel stepping out with a towel on his head and grey sweat pants. Leaving a light six pack on full display with water still drippiy along his chest all the way down his light happy trail that teased me hiding all of his glory in his boxers. I had wanted to badly to run up to him and lick him just so I could get a taste of him. As my eyes trailed up from his body to meet up with his dazzling greens.

The emotion that I saw within his eyes as he looked at me was shocking. Pure lust, desire all at once.

Axel P.O.V.

I walked out the shower drying my hair expecting Myra to be asleep still but to my surprise she was up. Her eyes spotted me the moment my eyes found hers, well more like my body but I couldn't blame her.

Her hair was everywhere due to sleep, I don't how she managed to make it look so sexy, her tank top was practically hanging on for dear life just to cover her breast which they failed to do. The majority of her bra was showing, half of her breast completely on display.

I know I said I'd stay away but the way her eyes were roaming my body, didn't look like she wanted me to. Deciding to finally look up to her eyes I saw she was still roaming my body, I smirked. She looked up at my smirk  and blushed a deep red. Her eyes filled with a lust and a want almost as much as mine. I tilted my eyes down to her chest slightly so she'd get the picture. She brought her hand up but her eyes never left mine, she fixed herself ever so slightly, her breast still practically asking me to cradle them.

I walked towards her in three easy steps and leaned down close to her, her lips practically a breath away from mine. "Love, I am indeed and in fact a guy, if you stay dresses the way you are i don't know how long I could contain myself. So please love pick up your shirt." I said my hands placed on the mattress near her hips, snaking out the words when I so badly wanted to be kissing her instead.

She didn't move, she didn't breath, only stared at my green as mine burrowed into her browns. "Love please,I'm begging you" I said as though it was a suggestion and not a demand. Her eyes glanced at my lips and back to my eyes. Unable to hold myself back any longer I leaned down and kissed her.

Sparks were all I felt. Yeah that was a pretty girly thing to say but it was true. Her lips were perfect against mine, as I sucked and bit hers, not wanting to part from hers. As if suddenly instead of oxygen it was her lips I needed to breath, and god I couldn't get enough of it.

I pulled back both our breaths heavy from the kiss. Her arms wrapped around me, her eyes begging for more, I asked "Love? Are you sure about this?"

Myra P.O.V.

He has asked me if I was sure. And I honestly thought, was I? I still have to deal with my boyfriend and our issues, we are going to break up but I can't help but feel a little foul. If someone was to break up with me I wouldn't want to know the last days we were together they were with someone else.

Was I sure?

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