Not family-Solas

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Well I just finished Treepasser and I'm officially a crying mess:)

Sometimes Solas would smile to himself.
He would remember something she said, and really couldn't help it.
"I like bears," she had told him once.
Solas nearly snorted from the unwarranted remark. "Pardon?" he asked.
"They're fearsome creatures," she explained, as if continuing some longstanding conversation, "but I find them beautiful. Majestic."
Solas had choked from the surprising observation. "Majestic?"
"Yes," Lavellan replied. "They protect their young to the death. Family is important to them."
"Family," Solas repeated. Such a strange topic of conversation to suddenly bring up.
Lavellan became quiet for some time after that, but eventually spoke again. "I suppose the Inquisition is my family now," she mused.
The curious smile on his mouth faded to a frown. The Inquisition. Family. Two subjects he had always felt as utterly exclusive.
Lavellan smiled. "I never thought my Keeper sending me away would be gaining a new family." She eyed Solas and grinned. "Even meeting a grumpy old elf like yourself feels lucky."
Solas arched a brow. "Grumpy?"
She laughed. "Don't even pretend, Solas. You know how you are." She looked down into her lap and smiled. "No matter what happens, at least I got to know everyone here." Lavellan raised her gaze to him. "Even you."

Solas smiled at the memory, but he knew now she no longer felt the same.
A messenger came into the room. "Ser, her forces are here! The Inquisitor claims this is the last warning before they attack!"
His mouth hardened into a firm line.

" Do not surrender," he ordered. "No matter the cost."

No, they would never be family again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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