1. Memories

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Hinata's POV

"Dr. Hyuga... We need you to come take a look at a patient's blood. We believe it's leukemia but we can't be sure."

"Alright. Lemme finish this and I'll be down in ten." I sighed heavily.

Work has been rough lately but I love it. I leaned back into my chair and heard a clink. I turned around to see a ring... My ring. Quickly, I clasped it back onto my neck and hid it underneath my clothes.

Walking down to the lab I ran into Sakura.

"Hey Sakura."

"*yawn* Hey there. Geez I'm so tired. Where you headed?" She asked.

"To the lab. Gotta check a blood sample. What'cha been doing?"

"Just finished a appendectomy... Ha... Appy." She felt her stomach. "Mind if I come?"



"I am so sorry Mrs. Carter. Your son has leukemia. There is no cure but there are treatment options. Dr. Stacy will go over them with you." I sadly said.

It was finally five now so I could go home. Me and Sakura lived in New York where the main hospital was. We we're roommates and want to keep it that way until... Marriage.

I walked past Central park and saw a proposal taking place.

"Jenny, I love you so much..."

"Well let me propose!
Hinata Hyuga, I was an idiot for not noticing you sooner and when I did, I still didn't act. Now that we are together.... Even though it's only been eight weeks... I've realized that you are the only person I want to be with. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and build a family with... So Hinata... Marry me.... Be Mrs. Uzumaki....."

A memory flashed in my mind making me lose balance. I felt the ring close to my chest.

I walked into my loft where Sakura was making dinner.

"Mmm! Hey you're home! Hiashi called. He said that he wants to discuss some business with you tomorrow." She brought over a plate of spaghetti.

"Ugh what does he need now? Lord, My feet are killing me."

"I dunno but he just said to tell you. Here taste it, I added something.."

"Fine..." I picked up my fork and slurped up the noodles....

"You sure love that ramen huh Naruto?"
"Yup, but ya know what? I think I love you more Hina!"
"Like that's possible."

My plate slipped from my hands and shattered on the floor.

"Hinata! Are you ok?" She cleaned up the mess at my feet while I was still dazed. "Hinata?"

"Huh? Oh um... I'm okay..."

"Noo... What's wrong? We've lived together for six years now, I can read you like a book." She walked into the kitchen to throw away the trash.

"Just... Nothing... Uh... Nothing..."

"Well tomorrow is our day off, after we go see Hiashi we can go sight seeing."

"Sakura... We've lived here two years... I think we've seen it all."

"Well we haven't gone out in awhile. We'll take your mind off of what ever it is that's bothering you. Kay?"

"Sure... I'm gonna take a shower."

I went into the bathroom with my robe and stuff and turned on the water and stepped in.

(At Jiraya's)

"Hey Hinata did you need my robe?"
"Naruto! You can't barge in here while I'm taking a shower!" I covered my body even though he couldn't see past the curtains.
"Well unless you want to go out in a towel, I thought it would be nice to bring you my robe. But I could just take it back..."
"NARUTO! Just leave it on the counter and get out."
"Love you..."
"Get out!"

UGGHH!!!! Why am I having all of these flashbacks of Naruto! I've been doing fine... I haven't thought of him like that in... Two years... Wow.

I finished my shower and got in my jammies. Sakura was taking her shower now and I ate some of the spaghetti.

"Naruto..... I love you. Ughh! Why do I love you! Why the hell can't I stop thinking about you?! I'm never gonna see you again! Can't I be happy... Without you..." I yelled at myself.

It was already eight so I decided to turn in the news.

"Yes Charles, the long beloved Jiraya Namikaze is stepping down as leader of the Fox Hotels. It is believed that he already had a representative to take over the company."

"Really? Well you know I hear that they're moving the main location of the hotels to New York City....."

I shut off the TV. Jiraya is stepping down... That means...

"Oy... I don't really like to talk about it, but Jiraya owns a chain of hotels in America so... I'm gonna be in charge when he steps down... Unless he finds someone more suitable."


"SON OF A--" I screamed, panic over taking me.

"Hina what is wrong with you!?" Sakura yelled while running out in her robe.

"Na--- Naruto.... Is coming here..."
"What? No he isn't."

I turned in the news and re-winded it to the announcement.

"That doesn't mean anything. He could've found a better guy, you know Naruto isn't a office type. Now go lie down I'll wake you up when Hiashi calls."

"Ok...." I lied on my bed and surprisingly sleep came easy.

Naruto's POV


"Ugh.... It's six in the morning!"


Hey buddy! How are ya?!

Uncle? Why are you calling me so early?

Huh? Early? It's eight at night here! Wake up boy!

Will you stop yelling!

Sorry... Well.... Naruto it's that time.

Yeah it's six in the morning can you call back later?

No! I mean it's time that you take over.

What? I've been the manager at the hotel in Konaha for two months! We both agreed it wouldn't be for another year. I can't just leave!

Well Naruto actually you can. Your the only one left!

But you could find someone better than me!

Stop arguing! You're leaving in a week, you can bring a friend. What about Sasuke? We are linked with the restraunts...

Fine.... Lemme sleep.

I hung up the phone but I couldn't go back to sleep.

I rolled over to get up...

"Or... We can both sleep on the bed..." Her face was glowing with blush.
"Only if your comfortable with it..."
"I am... Really it's okay."

I wonder where you are Hinata...


Whoop whoop! Chapter one! I know Jiraya isn't a Namikaze but he's related to Minato in the book soooooo.....
PS... Don't mind the fight scenes in the pic

Adios ~~~ Ramen




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