5. Airport de Konaha

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Don't mind the title of this chap, I felt like being silly ;p. The pic doesn't really go but then it does soooooo.....

Hinata's POV


Who is snoring so loud?

My eyes fluttered open and I scanned my tiny cabin that I shared with Sakura.

No one.... Hmmm...


I walked out of my room and tried to find the source of the snoring. I went into my dad's cabin, he was asleep on his chair and Neji was asleep on the tiny couch with Hanabi in his arms... Silently.


AHHHH! Who is that? Wait...

I walked into the lounge of the plane and there was, what appeared to be, a drunk Sakura. (She only snores when she's drunk)



"Sa-- Sakura?"




"How many mini bottles of tequila did you drink?"

"Pft.... Haha.... I dunno.... Hehe... HOW MANY DID YOU DRINK?" her face got serious.

"I drank one... How many did you drink?"

"6... Or 11 I dunno. Hehe" She giggled uncontrollably.

"Sakura! We're going to land in..." I looked at my watch. "45 minutes! We need to start getting ready!"


She was hopeless. I was gonna have to drag her off the plane. I made some instant coffee and gave it to her.

"What's this?"

"Uh... A magic potion! But you have to drink it all for it to work..." This was my only chance to sober her up.

"What does it do?!" She looked at the cup with wonder.

Oh dear lord, give me strength not to strangle her.

"To land the plane on pure will power..."

"Hmmm..... I guess it would be okay.... Here I go!"

She gulped down hot coffee on one drink. My eyes widened at the sight.

"OW! HOT HOT HOT!! AHH!!!" She ran to the sink and threw up... A lot.

I think she's sobered up a little...

After thirty minutes of her scolding me, cleaning up the room, and gathering our stuff we went to wake up the other two.

The jet will be landing in fifteen minutes... I hope I see everyone.... Especially Naruto.

Naruto's POV

"Hey dobe wake up! NARUTO!"

"Hmm?" I turned to see a pissed Sasuke.

Shit! I overslept!

"What time is it!?"

"It's seven! Your were supposed to be up at six! The plane leaves in thirty minutes!"

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