Chapter 3 - WICKED IS GOOD

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WICKED is good. – James Dashner, The Maze Runner


That was the boy's name.


Turns out, it was his second time reading The Fault in Our Stars and didn't really need a warning.

But who cares.


But the fictional type of gorgeous. The type of guy that you wish was real. A person like Will Herondale, or Dorian Havilliard.

Just, real. A real person. A real fictional person.

And boy was he perfect.

'Justice - I'm leaving for work.'

Justice snapped out of her daze and looked up from her homework. Her Dad was positioned at the back door, a briefcase in hand.

Justice nodded and went back to her work, not a care in the world. That's probably how Alistair thought when he was reading. The thought brought a smile to her face and her Dad's eyebrows furrowed.

'Is there a boy that I should know about?' he asked. Justice shook her head and said, 'You're too busy working, I don't think you would really care anyway.'

Her Father just sighed and gave up on talking to her.

'I'll be back at the usual time.' He told her before opening the door. Justice cleared her throat and he stopped.

'And by the usual time you mean midnight.' She said under her breath. Her Father pretended not to hear, and continued out the door - feeling guilty for leaving her alone for the 7th time in the past 2 weeks. He kept count of all the days they missed together, so he could make it up to her in the future. But as always, work got in the way, Adele's trip kept being extended and the family kept growing further apart.

He sighed and unlocked his car, leaving for the night.

Things would only stay that way as Casanova Industries expanded, and changed the lives of millions. Some in different ways than others.


Back inside the house, Justice stared at the clock hanging on the wall, forgetting about everything her Dad had said just moments before.

Okay so its 4:30 now, and Riley had training at 4:00, so I'll call him in another hour.

The girl sighed and closed her textbook. If she had more friends, then maybe she wouldn't be so alone all the time. Who was she kidding? Being a book nerd prevented her from having friends.

As she stood up from the kitchen table, the phone rang. Confused at who would call at this time, she made her way to the phone and answered it.

'Hello, Justice Casanova speaking. How may I help you?'

'Jussie?' said the caller on the other end of the line.

'Mum?' she said surprised into the phone.

'Hi sweetie, how are you?'

'I - I'm good. H - How are you?' she stammered.

'Is everything okay? You sound a bit shaky.'

Justice brought a hand to her head and ran a finger through her hair. Strands of her braid escaped and framed her face.

'I'm just surprised you called. Isn't it late over there?'

'Yes it is, and I have to start work early tomorrow, but I thought I would call to see how everything is back home. How's Dad? Is he still working late?'

'Yeah, he just left now. He's working until twelve I think.'

'So you're home all by yourself until then?'


There was silence after that. Justice's Mum didn't respond after a while, but soon spoke up.

'How's school?'

'It's alright. I got an A+ on my writing test last week for my fiction writing class.'

'Oh Jussie that's amazing! What did you have to write for this one?'

'Uh - let me just check.'

She walked over to her pile of homework and dug out her English exercise book, flipping through the pages until she found the one she wanted.

'We had to write a fictional story using the events of our chosen historical war.'

'Ah, historical fiction. You would have been great at that.'

Justice placed the book on the table and walked off into the front room, sitting down on the velvet couch before responding.

'Yes, I chose the English Civil War between the Cavaliers and Roundheads.'

'Ooooh and did you mention the part about King Charles the First's execution?'

'Yes Mum, although that was rather hard to write.'

'Oh how come?'

'Oh, I don't know, maybe because I have never been to a beheading before?' she said to her Mum, clearly annoyed. Her Mum didn't say a word after that.

'Look I'm sorry, I'm just stressed with school,' she apologised, 'and there's this new kid . . .'

'Girl or boy?' her Mum asked immediately. Justice cursed herself for even saying anything.

'Boy. His name's Alastair.'

'You could write a book using that name.'

Her response was a groan from Justice, and her Mother laughed.

'Oh sweetheart. There's nothing wrong with having a crush.'

Another groan from Justice.

'God can we please not talk about this?'

'Alright, alright we won't say another word.'

'You mean you won't say another word?'

'Yes, yes I promise. Look I have to go Jussie. I'll call you when I can. And remember, Casanova is good.'

'Mum, please don't use one of my favourite lines from a book and use it in reality. It's annoying.'

'Okay I won't. Say hi to Riley for me. Love you, bye.'

'Love you too, bye.'

Justice hung up the phone and threw it onto the couch near the fire place, the words her Mother had said racing through her mind.

Casanova is good.

'Just as good as WICKED.' She sighed.

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