Chapter 14 - Stupid People are Dangerous

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Stupid people are dangerous. – Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games

'Then what happened?'

'I just walked off.'

'Justice . . .'

'Well he didn't seem to care, did he? Who cares what he thinks. I'm officially done trying.'

Justice slammed her locker shut and leant against it. Riley just stood there bouncing his basketball as Justice told him about Alistair.

'I don't think you are. You'll keep going, until it becomes too much.'

Justice rolled her eyes and looked the other way. As usual, Riley was right.

'I tried too much last time, and I got pushed away. I know what it feels like.'

'Justice, you were thirteen. That is not what I would call a relationship.'

Justice glared at him and the boy took a step away from her. Realising what he had said, he apologised.

'I don't care anymore. I never cared at the start.'

Riley squeezed his eyes shut and whispered, 'I'm pretty sure you did.' Justice was meant to hear, but she was lost in her own thoughts.

Riley slapped Justice's shoulder with his hands and smiled. 'You'll get through it. You're a fighter. You always have been, and you always will be.'

And with that, the boy walked off towards the school courtyard, meeting friends on the way. Justice just stood where she was, thinking of what Alistair said before. She thought way too much, just like a typical girl would, but it troubled her. Her thoughts would stay in her mind and never leave. If she was in Alistair's shoes, it would be a whole lot worse.

'Hey Justice.'

The girl looked up to find Alistair walking towards her. He was running a hand through his hair whilst the other gripped one of his back straps. He looked perfect (just like he had this morning), but something was different about him. Justice just could not pinpoint it, but it was there.

What do I say to him? She thought.


'Oh hi! Sorry I just . . . um . . .'

'Lost in your own thoughts? Yeah, it happens to me all the time.'

'Oh . . . cool.'

There was silence. Justice didn't want to say anything, so she waited for Alistair to speak up. It took him a while, but he eventually said:

'So about before. I didn't mean what I said.'

Justice looked the other way.

'Justice, I have a reputation - '

'I don't care about the reputation. I care about our relationship Alistair.'

The boy took a step back and sighed. Everything that he could possibly say would not hurt Justice. After the way she had taken him under her wing, and the way she treated him, she deserved a whole lot more.

'Well then, I guess I really am sorry. Maybe we could try again. Start again I mean.'

Justice turned her head towards him, only before the group of girls she had spoken to at the start of school walked past.

'Hey Justice! Ready to go?'

She looked towards Alistair, nodded and walked off with them, the blonde and one of the brunettes linking their arms with hers.

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