Chapter 5 - As You Wish

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As you wish. – William Goldman, The Princess Bride

'Suspended Justice? You were suspended? What did you do, punch the girl in the face?'

Justice grimaced at her Father's outburst.

'Well . . .'

Her Father glowered at her, his face turning as red as a tomato.

'Oh goodness, you did not . . .'

'Well I'm sorry that she called Alistair gay! I had to stand up for my friend - '

' – Can he not take care of himself?' her Father bellowed. Justice stood up from the couch and folded her arms across her chest.

'No,' she started, 'He cannot. I don't know why, but he just can't.'

Her Father sighed in defeat.

'I did what any book character would have done, I stood up against evil.'

'Yes but you didn't have to punch her. Verbal fighting is better than physical.'

'But words can hurt more than a fist to the face, Dad. I know this stuff. I just . . . I didn't mean to do it. One second I was being yelled at, the next, she had a blood nose.'

'What am I going to do with you for the next 3 days then?' he asked, 'How am I supposed to explain this to your Mother?'

Justice shrugged and walked towards the kitchen to bring her backpack into the living room. She opened the top zip and emptied the contents onto the couch.

'This is what I will be doing Dad – Homework. English, maths, science, humanities . . .'

'Which you are going to fly through. That will only take you a day.'

Justice shrugged in response. He was right, it wouldn't take her long, but that meant she could do other things – mainly help around the house.

'I can help around the house,' she told him as she spoke her mind, 'Make a proper meal. I can even catch up on my reading, update my blog – Oh I can also continue writing my new story! It's going to be awesome! There's this girl called Camilla, and she - '

'Justice! Live in reality for a moment! You and your reading, it's an obsession. Do something useful for God's sake. Play sport, music, anything but reading!'

'But it's what I like to do - '

'I don't care! No wonder you don't have many friends – your nose is always stuck in a book. Why do you do it?'

Justice stood her ground against her Father, and did not let those words cut through to bone. The amount of times she had been told all of that was ridiculous, and she was very much used to it.

'I don't care if I don't have many friends – I have Riley, and that's all that matters.'

Her Father sighed and shook his head, the realisation of what he had just said sinking in.

'Justice . . .'

'Tell me why you're always working, Dad. Why do you do it? Is there a reason?'

'Yes, there is, but I cannot tell you. Now tomorrow, you are going to write an apology letter to that girl you punched, and to the school as well.'

Justice grimaced but obeyed.

'As you wish.'

'And you are going to see if she is okay – get her number or something. Email her, even call the school.'

'As you wish,' Justice replied.

'And you are going to call your Mother and tell her about everything. No lying to her. Do you understand?'

Justice turned away and started to pack up her papers, trying to close the conversation with her Father.

'As you wish, Father. As you wish.'

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