Shine 2

467 27 41

3rd person POV

"FUJIMOTO-SAMA!" My personal maid Mari shook my shoulders violently.

"Nani ou?!" I yelled.

"Get up now, your parents are waiting in the dining room. They refuse to eat without you." Mari sighed.

I grit my teeth and got up from my warm and comfortable bed. I'll see my precious bed in a few hours...

I got up, brushed my teeth, took a short shower, and fixed my appearance. I hate makeup so I don't wear it. Mari was bothersome and she wanted to put flowers in my hair so I let her.

"Mari, are you done with my hair yet?" Honestly I'm just going to rip them out later anyway. She doesn't need to spend a lot of time on the simplest things.

"Hai! I'm all done." Mari smiled.

I sighed, "Yeah whatever." I waved and left Mari because it was her duty to clean my room and fix my bed.

As much as I hated that statement, I usually left my room clean so she wouldn't have to do much. She has extra time...

I slid down the staircase handles and landed on my feet. I straightened out my Rakuzan uniform and walked towards the dining room.

My mother and father have pitch black hair, so it's either I'm adopted or I got my genes from somewhere else. I shrugged not giving a care if these people in front of me are really my parents or not.

"Ohayou, Otou-sama, Okaa-sama." I greeted sweetly.

They smiled brightly back. Anyone would say,  " Oh you have awesome parents!" or "Your so lucky your parents are so nice.". Nice?...


They made an arranged marriage between me and Akashi just so that both companies could combine. Sorry, but I prefer not to be held down by my name.

I honestly thought Akashi was a good guy too, but then he showed his true colors once I revealed a tint of affection. I have no intention of marrying a rude man like him.

I finished my breakfast, and the Butler took my plate away to the kitchen. I sighed, of course...

I still have to ride with him. My mother thought it was a good idea for us to ride the same limo to school and back everyday. Just so we could get closer...

I heard a ringing noise and immediately knew it was the doorbell. A Butler opened the white door slowly, and I knew what stood behind it.

"Hoshiko, let's go." Akashi smiled.

Tch, stop putting on that fake expression. My mother heard his soothing voice, (at least according to her) and ran out of the dining room.

"Ah! Akashi-san! Ohayou, is it time for you guys to leave?" My mother greeted Satan.

"Yes ma'am, if you don't mind I'll be taking Hoshiko now." Satan responded.

I can seriously imagine red horns coming out of his head. No wonder why he has red hair...

He is Satan in disguise.

I faked a smile and linked my arms with Akashi, "Yeah, so I have to go now Okaa-sama. Ja ne~" I waved and dragged Akashi out of the mansion.

Akashi's smirk never left his face. I let go of Akashi's arm and yawned, "Stop it with that fake attitude." I scowled as I sat down in the limo.

"Oh? And what does a idiotic fool know about attitudes?" Akashi smirked.

"Acting all nice and crap around my parents." I hissed.

I sighed, there's no point in arguing with this stubborn demon. I put on my white headphones and stared out the window.


Akashi's POV

"Akashi-san... U-Uh someone is here t-to meet you. She c-claims to be your enemy." One of the student council members stuttered.

I do not need to learn peasant's names, they are not worthy of taking a space in my mind. I nodded signalling for them to let her in.

I put down my pen, and stacked my paperworks on the corner of my desk. Yes, I am in my office.

"Hn~ not bad Akashi. Two years straight as student council kaichou." She purred.

I smirked, "It was no big deal, I am absolute." I stated.

Hoshiko sat down on top of the vice-student council president desk. Her oceanic blue orbs looked up at the ceiling, "Doesn't this bore you?" She asked.

I hesitated, why would she ask that? I am absolute so why don't I know the answer?...

"I'm not sure if I understand. Can you stop speaking in idioticese?" I smirked.

"I am speaking in Japanese you moron." Hoshiko hissed.

My hands reacted on it's own and the next thing that happened was that my red scissors were on the wall and a cut was visible on Hoshiko's cheek.

She sat there unfazed, even though a stream of blood was now leaking from the wound. Hoshiko jumped down from the desk and grabbed the scissors from the wall.

She grabbed my scissors and threw them. I caught the scissor easily, and slid it in my pocket. Hoshiko scowled in frustation, "I swear I will get you one of these days." Hoshiko's fingers pointed at me.

"I'll be waiting then, Hoshiko." I stretched out her name and she just puffed and slammed the door on the way out.

"Now then..." I went back to my paper work like nothing happened.

Fujimoto Hoshiko huh? Her expressions are priceless...

"Sei-chan stop being such a sadist." Reo sighed.

I scowled, "Damare peasant.".


Okay! Another chapter! <3

I'm going to update GoH...

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