Shine 5

402 22 19

Fujimoto's POV

    I smiled, happily humming Siren. If only love was as beautiful as this song. Kise smiled as if he approved of my presence too.

    "So? Wanna play?" I turned around and gave Kise a dominating smirk.

    "Eh? Fujimoto-san you play basketball?" Kise asked.

    Oh right, I said that I played sports but I forgot to tell him what sports I play...

    "Why do you think I'm asking? Anyway yes I play basketball, but I can also play volleyball." I tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear.

    Kise's eyes widened as he scanned me, "D-Do you k-know A-Akashicchi?!" he half-yelled at me.

Great job Akashi, you ruined my friendship with Kise Ryota indirectly. I literally met him two hours ago!!

"Yes, unfortunately." I sulked.

Kise's reaction was unexpected though. He smiled brightly and grabbed both of my hands, "What do you think of Akashicchi?" He asked me. An aura I could not identify surrounded Kise, but of course, I obviously ignored it.

"Hey lets play now." I broke out of his grip and walked onto the basketball court.

A group, of four people to be exact, were playing basketball. Although the only girl was sitting on the bench and writing something on a clipboard.






     "Kagamicchi? Kurokocchi? Aominecchi? Momocchi?" Kise called their names.

    He called their names, so I'm assuming that Kise knows them. The navy blue haired male walked towards Kise.

    He smacked Kise on the head, I sniffled my laughter and turned my head to the side. Hearing the noise I failed to mute, the navy blue haired male sent me a glance.

    "Uhm... Hi." I laughed nervously.

    "Aomine Daiki." He spoke, I shivered at his gaze. It feels like he's scanning me...

    Looking at me...


    I blushed and hid behind Kise. I don't like Aomine already, pervert. I clenched onto Kise's sweater, "Don't let him come near me." I hissed.

    Kise just stared at me obliviously, "Eh? Why Fujimoto-san?" Kise asked.

    I give up. I clenched my fists tighter as Aomine came closer with his oh-so-famous rape face. The guy with light blue hair suddenly stabbed Aomine in the hip.

    "Sorry about Aomine-kun, I am Kuroko Tetsuya." He greeted me, monotonously. I hesitantly nodded.

    "Nice to meet you Kuroko." I cursed at myself because my voice wavered.

    The girl with pink hair hugged Kuroko, her big breasts pressing against his thin arm. My eyes shifted from Kuroko to her.

Are they dati-

"We are not dating." Kuroko sighed.

"Mou~ Tetsu-kun! Your mineee!" the pink haired girl whined.

    "Oh, my name is Momoi Satsuki and Tetsu-kun is mine." Momoi leered at me.

    "Ara? Isn't Kurokocchi dating Megumicchi ssu?" Kise asked.

    Kuroko nodded, and Momoi went to an imaginary corner. Kise ran to go cheer the girl up. A guy with red hair, like him but with black ends walked up to us.

    I looked at Kise, he was still trying to cheer Momoi up. Momoi was crying her eyes out, anime style. Kuroko just stared at Kise and Momoi, but soon he went to cheer Momoi up also. And... Aomine was somehow passed out from Kuroko's stab.

    The other guy grinned, "Yo, the name's Kagami Taiga." He greeted.

    "Honestly you look like someone I hate. I hope you don't act the same... Otherwise I wouldn't hesitate to chop your limbs off and feed it to a bunch of tigers." I said in English.

    "Woah... I'm not sure who that is but I'm hopefully not them." Kagami waved his arms for defense.

    What an interesting group we have here....


(A/N: Since RVC is too innocent to make these type of scenarios, I'm here to complete the rest of the chapter.

Btw sexual scenes ahead. Not much, but still some. Warning...


    I happily played against Aomine, Kagami and Kise. I won all of them, but I admit...

    IM SO TIRED!!!

    I sat on the cold cement floor panting, trying to catch my breath. The other three were doing the same...

    Kuroko was talking on the phone, and Momoi was taking data. I found out that Momoi is the manager of Touou and the childhood friend of Aomine.

    "Dai-chan lost." Momoi's pen shook in her hand.

    If I could use my voice, I would use it. I beat him twice...

Kise laughed, and stood up. Since he as well was tired, his legs wobbled and he fell.

Akashi's POV

    I slammed by book shut and called my driver, "Tokyo, **** park." I ordered.

    "Of course Akashi-sama." He replied and drove towards where Ryota, Tetsuya, Satsuki, Daiki and Hoshiko.

    I had a strange chill go down my spine earlier and my eye gave me a glimpse of Hoshiko.

    Something is going to happen to her...


   The driver pulled up in front of the park, but before I could get out my orbs caught something...

    Ryota your going to fall. I scowled knowing what would happen next...

    With a yelp from Hoshiko, Kise fell on top of her. Ryota's head was in her neck, one of his knees were between her legs, and what made me snap was...

    His hand was touching what was mine. Inconsiderate fool. He moved his hand not knowing it had Hoshiko's breast in the middle of it. Hoshiko let out a small moan, and I threw my scissors from the window.

    I will not accept it.

    "Ryota don't go touching what's mine." I scowled at the blonde.


    Okay, thank you AB! I wouldn't have to type that. Even though it isn't really much...

    She's going to be continuing this event in the next chapter too so if you dont like sexual scenes like me...

    Don't read it.

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