Chapter 6

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Quan was actually serious. He took me to this dudes house to make my first sale.

“Knock on the door, ask for Josh and make the sale iight?”

I shook my head. I got out the car and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door and a tall black boy answered the door.

“Yeah?” he said looking at me up and down.

“Josh here?” I asked.

“Who wants to know?”

“Look. Don't play,” I said rolling my eyes. “Either yall want the sale or not.”

The boy moved out the door way tot let me in. I walked in the house and the smell of weed hit me! Damn they wasn't playing.

I was lead to the living room where a bunch of niggas was sitting around a coffee table rolling blunts. They all looked up at me.

“Who Josh,” I asked trying hard to keep my face hard and tough looking.

“Me. Who you?” Josh was short and ugly.


“Oh you got my stuff?” he asked pulling out a roll of money.

I put on my serious face. “Money first,” I said. Quan told me that some of these boys wont take me seriously and would try to jack me out supplies and money.

He gave me my money and I gave him two baggies of pills.

Josh walked me out the house and I told him bye. I loved the feeling I got after making a sale. It always had my blood pumping..maybe that was because I was nervous.

Quan drove me back home and gave me my cut of the money. I made one hundred all together. I could definitely get used of this.


Oh Snap! Macy thinks she's a true thug sense she made a couple of deals. Will it only go up from here? Read on and leave comments. Thanks!

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