Chapter 2 - Idiot

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Ever since Hinata had seen Kageyama with that girl, he had tried his best to stay out of Kageyama's way. The feeling in Hinata's stomach worsened every time he thought of what happened. Moreover, Kageyama had not brought up anything to do with a girl, so Hinata was left in the dark, and Kageyama seemed he wanted to keep it that way.
Hinata didn't want to bump into Kageyama after school because he was too afraid he was going to burst out and say something that, really, didn't need to be said. But Hinata couldn't help it. It hurt so much.
What hurt even more was that Hinata was walking home on his own more and more often. Not only did he miss walking with Kageyama, but he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts even more. He was scared more than anything that his mind was going to come up with some stupid, yet logical explanation of why Kageyama didn't want to walk home with him anymore.
    * * *  

A whole week had past of Hinata walking completely alone after school, and he couldn't take it anymore. Why should he have to suffer in complete ignorance whilst Kageyama was laughing and having fun with a stranger? Kageyama never laughed with Hinata. Never. What was so great about this new person that Hinata couldn't do? Hinata always tried to make Kageyama laugh, even when he was being an asshole (which was most of the time).
The familiar ring of the school bell had sounded and Hinata got up to leave as volleyball training had been called off tonight. Usually Hinata would wait about fifteen minutes for Kageyama to leave so he wouldn't be caught up in walking close to them, but this time, he left as soon as the bell had gone. Due to Kageyama's longer legs, he was already at the main gate, but Hinata soon caught up and saw him with the silhouette of a girl. But this time, she wasn't a silhouette. She was of fair height, with long brunette hair, and deep sea blue eyes. She was very pretty, Hinata thought. No wonder Kageyama preferred to walk with her. But something was weird. Hinata hadn't seen her around school before. What class was she in? Was she a new transfer student?
None of that mattered now, though.
Hinata walked until they were only a few feet away.
Kageyama turned around. Hinata could feel his heart drown in this deep mixture of emotion. His voice staggered a bit
"Can I talk to you a second?"
Kageyama sighed and asked the girl to wait at the gate, whilst he walked over to Hinata, who was barely able to keep himself from blubbering all over the place.
"W-Who is that?"
"A girl."
Hinata couldn't beat around the bush anymore. Not only was he getting very upset, he was getting aggravated, too.
"Yeah, but who? Why are you walking home with her everyday now, and not me? Why couldn't you just tell me?"
Kageyama was obviously thinking that it wasn't Hinata's business. But Hinata new it was his business. Nevertheless, Kageyama started talking. He didn't want Hinata to make a scene.
"She's a new transfer student, from my middle school,"

"She wanted me to show her around school, and the local area,"
Don't say anything else

" She's also having trouble making friends, she's not in our class, so I thought, you know,"
"I could at least just walk home with her everyday,"
Stop lying
"We're just friends though, don't get me wrong."
Hinata couldn't keep it in anymore. Hinata's head was looking towards the floor, as drops of tears stained the pavement. What an idiot Hinata thought, I'm such a frickin idiot . Of course, Kageyama would have lied to make Hinata feel better. But Hinata knew he was lying, which made it worse. Hinata was stupid thinking that Kageyama actually cared about him.
"Wha-?! Why are you crying? Idiot!"
Kageyama took a step forward, but Hinata quickly leaped backwards.
"Yeah, I know I'm an idiot, you don't have to tell me."

Kageyama was about to reply, but before he could, Hinata was already running past the gate, down the sunset lit road.

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