Chapter 11 - A Change Of Scenery

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It was Saturday late morning, and Hinata was trying to concentrate on his studying.  Everything would have been ok if not for his mind wandering off all the time.  He wondered if rejecting Kageyama was such a good idea, even though he himself had an awful lot of homework to get on with.  Except he couldn't get on with it.  Hinata sat there for a second going through the numerous answers to his question of 'what do we do now that we both like each other?'.  All of what he thought was either too straight forward for Kageyama to go along with, or too embarrassing to Hinata.  He twizzled his pen around his fingers, still trying to figure out a suitable solution when he heard someone call his name from downstairs.  His mum.

Hinata got up and walked over to the door, opening it, and waiting for his mum to say whatever she had said again.

"I'm a bit busy here right now with Natsu, but I really need to get some things from town.  I know you're studying, but would it be possible to quickly go into town for me?".  Hinata grabbed this opportunity to get some fresh air swiftly and swiped his bag from behind a chair on his way to the door.  Natsu came running in to give Hinata the list of groceries and said a goodbye, and then pivoted round immediately and ran off in the direction she came from, where Hinata's mum also shouted a goodbye.  Hinata slipped into his shoes and smoothly closed the door behind him.  He walked out the gate, collecting his bike along the way, and made a beeline for the train station. 

    *          *        *            

Hinata had already locked his bike up in the near by public bike shelter, when he was standing on the platform waiting for the train.  He hardly ever travelled around on train due to the fact that he had to cycle to school, and that there were hardly any train stations in the countryside. As he stood there, patiently waiting for the sound of the train to arrive, he thought over things once more.

Maybe rejecting him today was ok, I mean, something bad could have happened if we rushed things, and the dream sort of miffed me a bit, so I think this is for the best.  It's fine. Things will be ok again by Monday.

Hinata was deep in his daydreaming when he suddenly realised that the train had already arrived.  He hastily jumped onto the train, the doors shutting before him, and leaned slightly against them as the train began its journey into town.

          *     *     *        

Kageyama had done his homework a couple of days before the weekend, and so had nothing to do on Saturday.  He had gotten up rather late due to the fact that he had nearly thrown up over a stupid dream.  His normal self thought it was stupid, and was ready to dismiss it off at any moment, but his other self, that he rarely showed to Hinata, was clinging on to the fact that he knew he was scary and horrible to be with, and couldn't forget about the dream.  Hinata had positively said that he liked Kageyama, so why was he getting this upset?  Plus, they had promised each other to say straight away if something was up between them.  But Hinata hadn't mentioned anything to indicate that he didn't like him anymore.  But Hinata had always been the type to easily communicate with people. Maybe he was just putting up with him because he was so nice?  Kageyama's thoughts started to turn rather depressing and he decided that he needed to adventure out somewhere, anywhere.  He walked round his house aimlessly before finding his way to his front door, and started walking.  He didn't know where, but he needed to take his mind off things for the time being.

Kageyama had walked for about twenty minutes when he had come to the realisation that he had approached the local station.  He shoved his hands in his pockets and retrieved a handful of coins and two notes.  That was enough.  Without another thought he entered platform 1 and boarded the train that had just arrived.  He looked at the sign on top of the door, to where the next destination was.  Kageyama sighed and hooked both his hands in his jumpers pockets.  Town.  He thought, I guess that'll do.

    *       *      *   

Twenty minutes had past since Hinata had arrived in town and he had already bought all the things his mum had asked for.  But he didn't want to return back home right now.  As he was walking down the road, searching for intriguing shops to look in, he came across  a newly opened gaming shop that had bright vibrant posters on either side of the door.  The posters all were advertising the same game,  a new one that Hinata had wanted to get.  He entered the shop and turned to his left where a small crowd of people surrounded the newly released video game.  His first thought was that he couldn't be bothered to deal with all those people, and walked straight over to the games that he normally looked at. 

A few had caught his eye, although he checked his pocket, finding barely enough to buy one along with having lunch and getting home.  He sighed to himself and read over all three synopsises on the back of the game packaging, and after a couple minutes of weighing up which one was better, he still got no where.  He sighed once more, but louder this time, and looked up, across the low shelving that stood ahead of him.

  On the other side of the shelf, stood Kenma, deep as could-be in reading the back of a game, whilst at least fifteen others somehow balanced in his hands awkwardly.  Hinata stood on his tiptoes to get a better look at whether or not it was actually Kenma before making a fool of himself.  Kenma's golden eyes instantly shot up at Hinata's face, but then relaxed in a soft smile as he pushed the game he was holding underneath his arm, with the others.


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