Chapter 19 - Victorious

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About two weeks had gone past rather quickly, and both Kageyama and Hinata had studied hard together. 

Hinata was sitting restlessly in his class seat, as he watched the teacher hand out the tests one by one.  A million thoughts were going through his head, a headache sprouting in his brain.

What if I've failed? What if Kageyama's failed?

Did we study enough? Will we be able to celebrate?

The last thing Hinata needed was a poor exam result after everything that had happened, he thought.  His mind had started to wander when he all of a sudden realised the teacher handing out a test paper to the pupil in front of him.  He pressed his eyes shut and crossed his fingers under the table, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.  The sound of the paper sliding smoothly onto the desk signalled Hinata's eyes to open, as he stared at the up-side-down paper.  His hands hesitantly moved towards the test, slowly flipping it over, so he could see the grade.  He squinted as he looked up at the red ink , circling an unfamiliarly high mark.

"GWAAAH!" Hinata nearly fell off his chair in excitement, as everyone turned to see what he was so joyous about.  A few students sniggered and laughed, while Hinata realised what he had just done was quite embarrassing. He sat back up properly, even more restless than before as he grinned cheerfully to himself.


Hinata still couldn't believe the mark that stood before him, as he was usually used to having below 50%.  He sat there in his seat until the bell rang for lunch break, pondering over his excitement of telling Kageyama. 

Once the bell had sounded, Hinata jumped up energetically and ran for Kageyama's class.  Through the small crowd of people, he weaved in and out, determined to get to him as soon as humanly possibly.

Wait... What if he didn't do well?

Hinata suddenly was overcome with worry and thought that it'd be horrible if he ran up to Kageyama and rubbed the fact that he got a high mark into his face.  Half way through debating on what the say in his head, Kageyama made an appearance a few yards down the corridor. Hinata looked up at Kageyama, wondering whether the face he was making was because of his grade or because he was just generally always pissed off. Kageyama's face stayed the same for a few seconds before noticing Hinata, and then exploded into a wide smile as they approached each other.

"Kageyama! What'd you get??" Hinata could barely stop himself from jumping up and down on the spot, he was so happy.

"80%!!!" Kageyama nearly shouted his mark, everyone around him scared of what he might do seeing as he was always in a mood.

"Gwaah! Well done! I got 79%, I'm so happy!" Hinata shone a soft smile back at Kageyama, as they turned to walk outside to the gym.

"You know what? We should celebrate! I don't think I've ever got a mark this high, I'm so happy! Are you free this Saturday?" Hinata skipped lightly beside Kageyama as they walked up the stairs to the club room to get changed.  Kageyama's eyes lit up at the thought of spending a whole day with Hinata, out of school.

"Sure, is town okay?"

"Sounds great! Awh man, I cant wait!" Kageyama walked into the club room behind Hinata, fascinated by the endless energy that was seeping out of Hinata's aura.

Hinata swung the door open and stepped inside to see Tanaka and Nishinoya sulking in the corner, whilst Asahi and Suga were attempting to cheer them up, along with everyone else.

"Hey Hinata, Kageyama, tell me you also got a bad mark!" Nishinoya shouted across the room, whilst both him and Tanaka sniffed away the tears in unison.

Hinata stood in the entrance of the door in triumph as Kageyama lurked behind him, his face back to his normal mood.

"Kageyama here got 80% and I," Hinata dramatically pointed his thumb at his chest, smug.

"Got 79%!" His sentence ended in complete silence as everyone stared blankly at them both for a good 10 seconds.

"WHAAAAA?" Everyone in the club room shouted loud enough for the whole school to  hear, Suga nearly falling over in surprise.

Nishinoya and Tanaka burst into whining and crying, Suga and Asahi too busy trying to get over what Hinata had just said.

From then on, the club room erupted in loud chatter that was all directed at Kageyama and Hinata.  Everyone praised them both right until the very end of the day, when they walked home together.  Again, they didn't talk much as they headed the same way before parting, but they held hands, symbolising their happiness.

*      *      *

Friday had passed rather quickly, and it was now Saturday morning.  Hinata stood nervously on the platform , looking down at his feet, waiting for Kageyama.  A few minutes past before a familiar voice sounded in the distance.

"Hey~! Sorry I'm late." Kageyama raised his hand and waved slightly as he came into Hinata's view.

Hinata ran up to him and jumped into his arms, into a deep hug, as if they hadn't seen each other for months.

Hinata buried his head into Kageyama's chest, breathing in his sweet aroma. 

He thought Kageyama wouldn't hug him back, but he did, and equally as passionate at that.

Because they weren't at school.  Because it was just them. Because they were together.

Because they could.

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