Chapter 15 - Strangers

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The following day, after practice, Hinata once again left early to start his journey to somewhere that was left undiscovered to Kageyama. Kageyama told everyone at the gym that he had to leave early, got changed, and waited outside the gate on the right-hand side.  Leaning against the brick wall, he looked up at the already darkening sky.  It was winter and that meant shorter days, it meant it got dark quickly, it meant Hinata was out in the cold.  Sure, Hinata had a strong spirit, but Kageyama knew he couldn't protect himself against other people, what happened with Hiyori did nothing but prove this.

Kageyama's hands clenched at the thought. He wouldn't let that happen again, no matter what.

Hinata suddenly sped round the corner, catching Kageyama off-guard. Hinata had already turned the corner when Kageyama decided to start running, and luckily, they were too far apart for Hinata to hear Kageyama's footsteps.  Hinata whizzed round the next corner, and it became clear to Kageyama where he was heading.  There was only one significant place down this side of town, and Hinata was heading straight for it.

Kageyama ran down to the train station about 2 minutes after he lost sight of Hinata, and wearily walked around the side of the building.  Sure enough, Hinata was leaning down locking his bike up.  Hinata turned around, and for a brief moment, Kageyama thought he noticed him, but then Hinata started to walk the opposite way, onto the platform, and Kageyama let out a quiet sigh before following him.  A train had arrived at the station just then, and Hinata got onto it, Kageyama following him amidst the small crowd of people.

The train was busy, but fortunately Kageyama could keep an eye on Hinata.  Hinata stood right next to the window, looking out at the fields in front of him.  His face was content, but the type of content that was more sad than happy. 

About 15 minutes went past, and the train arrived at the familiar station of the town centre.  Hinata got off quickly and jogged past all the citizens that were trying to get on the train, Kageyama struggling to follow. 

The sky had darkened quite quickly, as the town's lights lit up the night.  Hinata's orange hair glowed dimly as if he himself were a source of light.  The bubbly atmosphere enveloped Kageyama and he nearly forgot where he was, and what he was doing.  He got his mind back on track before seeing the last of Hinata's sunset hair disappear into the side of the buildings.  Kageyama dashed to where he had disappeared, and peered down the alleyway.  It was dark and looked damp and cold.  It was definitely not a place where he thought Hinata would be going.  At the end of the alleyway, there was an opening that seemed far brighter than the place behind Kageyama.  He walked towards the opening slowly, but stayed in the shadows. 

The area was mainly open, but had a few trees and vegetation that scattered around the place.  There were quite a lot of benches, all filled up with people of all sorts; elderly, little kids with their parents, and finally, a big group of teenagers that stood in front of where Kageyama was standing.  The group consisted of people that looked the same age as Kageyama, or maybe a few years older.  Stood in the middle was Hinata, laughing and joking around with them.  Kageyama's heart dropped at the site of this a little bit.  He knew that he couldn't get himself in a state again, he just had to scoop Hinata up, away from all these strangers, and run away. 

But Hinata looked happy.  The people that were strangers to Kageyama, could actually be friends with Hinata.  But he knew Hinata wasn't completely stupid.  Although they looked harmless and friendly, they were twice the size of Hinata, and they looked strong.  Not to mention the fact that some of them were smoking, which naturally intimated someone even more so.

Kageyama didn't know why Hinata was there, but he thought about it more.  Why would he himself want to go there? Considering that they are all strangers, someone would most likely go there to get away from...friends?  But was Hinata doing this knowing  what might happen?

Kageyama stayed in the shadows watching their actions, ready to jump at any sign of danger. Hinata looked so out of place in the group of people, as if he was forcefully trying to fit in with them.  He looked like he was enjoying himself, but at the same time, he looked like he wanted to cry.

A familiar voice interrupted the groups' conversation as Kuroo and Kenma, along with a few others came into view.  Kageyama could just barely hear their conversation.

* * *  

"Hey." Kenma followed behind Kuroo has they approached Hinata and the others. Hinata greeted Kenma back, and they started small talking as Kuroo spoke to the older kids.

"Didn't think I'd see you guys this late at night - hey, wanna get something to eat and catch up on things?" Kuroo spoke confidently to the strangers which showed that they were well acquainted.  Kuroo then turned to Hinata, with a mildly surprised look on his face.

"I didn't think you'd be this far away from Karasuno, ey? Want to come along? You'd keep Kenma company."  Hinata nervously laughed and agreed to getting something to eat.  It was true that Hinata was far away from his home, but Kenma and Kuroo got the Train home, so it was no wonder they'd be in the area.

Kenma and Hinata talked quietly on their way to fast food restaurant whilst Kuroo kept the older kids company. Kenma was still undoubtedly on his phone, playing a random game whilst he spoke to Hinata.

"So... is everything ok with you and Kageyama now?" Kenma didn't look up from his phone but he still knew how to hold a proper conversation (obviously only to Hinata).

"Yeah, its ok now, I just want to have a break you know?" Hinata quickly changed the subject to something less stressful and easy going. 

*    *     *

Kageyama kept a close eye on Hinata as they walked up to the restaurant.  The pathway was still relatively busy, which worked to Kageyama's advantage, as he hid behind people in the street.  They had gone inside the same restaurant Kenma and Hinata had gone in before, and it was as busy inside as it was outside.  Kageyama leant against the wall of the side of the building and got out his phone. 8:06pm.  It was already getting quite late, considering how far both of them were from home. 

I'll wait outside until he comes out.  I don't care if he's with everyone, I need to talk to him.

Kageyama waited for a good twenty five minutes, as his breathe formed denser clouds, and he started to shiver. 

"Ugh its too hot in there!" Hinata's small voice broke through the quiet chatter on the streets.  Kageyama leant forward a bit to see Hinata stretching as he walked outside.  He looked tired and sad.  He looked stressed out. He relaxed his shoulders a little before muttering something under his breath.  He wasn't that far away, so Kageyama could hear him relatively well.

"I didn't think there'd be more people in there.  Its too stuffy..."

"Hey, hey!" Kageyama's pissed off voice was stronger than ever before, which kind of destroyed the kind approach he was trying to achieve.

"WHA? Where the hell did YOU come from?!?!" Hinata nearly fell backwards in surprise of Kageyama revealing himself out from beneath the shadows.

"I was worried about you- is this what you've been doing this whole time?! Wh-"

"Go away, this isn't any of your business." Hinata went to open the door of the restaurant before Kageyama successfully grabbed hold of his wrist, pulling him to the side.

Kageyama was stronger than Hinata, and a lot taller, plus he didn't seem to have any trouble with intimidating people. Hinata leant against the wall as Kageyama rested his left arm above Hinata's head, and leaned in slightly.  They were only inches apart but neither of them moved.  Kageyama looked at Hinata until he looked back at him,  and surprise stung Kageyama's heart.

Hinata stood their, small, shivering from the cold, looking up at Kageyama with eyes that screamed for help, and for a second, Kageyama thought he could see Hinata's eyes shine as if he was about to tear up.


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