Chapter 26 - Lightning and Rain

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"...What?" Kageyama's voice held nothing but disbelief as Nishinoya spoke.

"As soon as you left, Hinata said he felt sick and went to the nurses office.  He generally looked sick as well, but we didn't think that he'd be off two days just for that." Nishinoya looked down at the ground drearily.

"...I see" Kageyama's voice now felt saturated in negative emotions, due to the fact that Hinata had been on his own.  He didn't worry so much because he knew that everyone at the club looked after and talked to Hinata non stop, but for him to be on his own for the whole two days...

Daiichi nodded at Kageyama, and without a second of hesitating, Kageyama turned and ran out the door.  He ran, and ran, and ran.

He knew it took Hinata about 30 minutes to cycle to school from his house, but Kageyama was quite confident in his own stamina. He knew he was only a few roads away from Hinata's house, the most likely place he'd be, when it started to pour down with rain. The rain was freezing and felt like stabbing pins every time it touched Kageyama's bare skin.  His hard claps of footsteps slowly turned into soft splashes as the pavement filled up with puddles.

He pushed the front gate of Hinata's house open, only to stop silently in his tracks and glare up at the house.

The front door was jarred open, letting the rain fall at the front part of the hall way.  Kageyama approached the door and pushed it open a little, on to see Hinata's school shoes laying on the floor, soaked in rain, as if they had just been thrown down.

"I-I'm coming in...! Kageyama said loudly, but there was no reply.  He leaned back to peer outside, checking if there was any sign of a car, meaning that his parents would be here. 

There was none.

As Kageyama ventured deeper into the house, it became glaringly obvious how messy the house was.  None of the lights were on, and the kitchen was a mess. Except, none of the food packets and soft drink cans had been opened; just sprawled across the side board.

He exited the kitchen, and made his way upstairs towards Hinata's room.  The door on that was also ajar, so Kageyama nocked before slowly opening the door. His eyes expected Hinata to do curled up tightly in his soft duvet, comics spread across the floor, as if he was just trying to relax.  But instead, he saw something completely different.

His heart raced at the sight.

His room was messier than any of the rooms downstairs, and all the lights were off. The curtains were shut, only allowing the dimmest of light to glow through from the murky clouds outside.  This provided Kageyama with just enough light to see what was going on in the room.  Hinata was directly underneath the window ledge, his duvet wrapped messily around his whole body.  Kageyama could just make out a small tuff of orange hair sticking out the top, as Hinata shifted slightly in place. The only thing that would be deemed useful around Hinata was a half empty bottle of water.

"...Hinata?" Hinata didn't reply.

"Hinata?!" Kageyama approached Hinata cautiously but quickly, unwrapping the duvet from around his face.

Hinata looked pale and tired, his eye dull and lacking his normal glow.  He looked gormless, as if he hadn't ate for a long time.

"...Kageyama..." Hinata spoke quietly, flinching at the human contact.

"What's happened to you? Why's the house a mess? Where's your parents?!" Kageyama said many other questions, knowing full well that Hinata wouldn't answer is the state he was in. Instead, he slowly opened the curtains, and began clearing up the messy room.  Hinata flinched away from the sunlight, burying himself deeper within his duvet.  Kageyama hastily snatched it off him, throwing down a new blanket along with some clean clothes. 

After about an hour of clearing not only Hinata's bedroom, but also the rest of the house, Kageyama scavenged for food and prepared breakfast for the starving Hinata. 

They sat on the floor in silence, until Hinata had finished eating, all of the needs he had fulfilled. Kageyama went to open his mouth, but before he could, Hinata blurted everything out, tearing up.

"I'm so sorry haven't been in. My parents had gone away for a few days, with Natsu, and I said I would be okay, I mean I thought I would, but then I was scared and ill and you were shouting and I couldn't take it! I'm such an idiot..." Hinata was full blown crying by now, unable to hold back his emotions.

"I'm only happy when I'm with you or playing volleyball, and you shouted, and then I became too scared to go out, so I haven't been to school for days.  And I hate everything I just want to be happy why can't I be happy Kageyama?"

Kageyama didn't know how to reply. 

"I'm sorry I didn't come here sooner." Kageyama's emotions started to erupt in his chest, trying his best to tame them.

"I know you get angry at things, and I know you don't mean them but...but!..." Hinata covered his face in his hands, trying to hide himself.

"I went home because I felt sick.  Sick because of my parents.  Sick of being alone.  Sick of not being able to come outside by myself...! I'm so sick of all this, I don't want to be alone anymore!" Before Hinata could carry on, Kageyama had covered Hinata in a protecting hug.  They stayed like that for a long while.  Neither of them knew what else to do.

Kageyama was sad because Hinata was sad.  He knew that he couldn't tell Hinata about Suga, because he knew that this would be one more worry Hinata didn't need right now.  But Kageyama didn't know what else to say. It was quite a while until someone spoke

Kageyama was the first one to speak.

"I'm...I'm still trying to figure out things.  Like how I can make you happy, and how I can successfully protect you from things that scare you.  I know I'm not perfect, I mean, look at me! I'm far from it.."  Kageyama paused, his tears and emotions welling up, making his voice all choky.  Hinata knew that what Kageyama was trying to say was hard for him as well, and listened carefully.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened up until now.  I keep thinking I'll learn from all my mistakes, but I don't. I keep repeating all these horrible things again, and I get surprised of why they happened. Again and again. but..." Kageyama's voice was quiet now, but he had tried to calm himself for what he was about to say.  He said it clear, as if he was stating a fact that could not be unwritten.  And to him, it was probably the most important promise he had ever said.

"I can't promise everything, and I wish I could.  I want to be strong and be able to protect you whenever you need it.  But I cant.  However, there is one thing I can do right now, and I know I can do." Kageyama took a deep breath, and so did Hinata.

"I don't want you to be lonely. You're the most important thing in the world to me. so...

When we graduate, move in with me.

That's the least I can do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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