Chapter four

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"Oh my- hello and welcome to Rusten's. How can I help the happy couple?" A high pitched voice says as soon as Darmetir and I step into the cute little dress store.

I almost choke on my own spit but Darmetir slaps my back. Once I catch my breath again, I slap his arm, hearing him yelp and glare at the young lady behind the cashier desk.

"We are not-" I start but get cut off by the devil, who decides to swing his heavy arm around my shoulders and pulling me towards him. What is he planning?

"Well, we are going to a gala tonight and don't have any suitable clothes. Now we are on a tight schedule and really need your help." He finishes. I pinch his skin, but he manages to hold back the pain or he at least doesn't seem to mind it.

"Oh! The golden gala of 2015. I've heard of it. I'd love to help you guys. Do you have any expectations or wishes?" She asks and turns to me with excitement evident in her voice. I shrug, still trying to get Darmetir's heavy arm off me. Seriously, what does he eat?!

"She is a little shy. You see, we really forgot about it until ten minutes ago. We just took our money and came here." He says. Surprisingly, he's really nice to this woman. He's not sexually harassing her, nor did he make any inappropriate jokes or flirt with her. Weird.

"Of course. I'm sorry for rumbling. I'll show you some of our best variations for men and women. Please follow me." She turns around and continues walking. His arm is still tight around me when I step on his foot. He instantly releases me and I smirk, but follow the woman.

She leads us to the fancy section in the back of the store. As soon as I enter the room, my mouth falls open. It's not the amount of beautiful dresses that are in this tiny room, it's just one, which hangs in the middle of the room.

"Oh, I see. You've got a rich taste and I can't really blame you. This example is actually..." I rudely stopped listening to her, just to take it in. This is the exact dress I could imagine myself in. It also fits perfectly to the scheme. The golden gala. It is golden and just beautiful. It will bring my hips and chest out just perfectly.

I mean, although I'm a model, I do indeed have curves that I'm proud of, and this dress is just perfect. I didn't even hear the woman explain about the design as I just stood there, gaping at the dress. If it wasn't for Darmetir to slightly push me, I think I would've kept standing there.

I hear the woman laugh at my face, but it didn't bother me. I clear my throat, suddenly feeling afraid to ask. But it's necessary. So I ignore the anxiety in my chest when I open my mouth.
"How much is it?" I secretly cross my fingers behind my back when she smiles at me, as if she knew it was way too expensive.

"Well, this ist the only example and therefore it's unique. Seeing that it's-"
"Tight schedule." Darmetir interrupts her. Rude. I slap his chest when I see her face reden. He just chuckles and I roll my eyes but look back at the woman.

"300.000$." She says and I think my eyes just fell out of their holes. This is way too much. Now imagine my surprise when I hear the devil from behind me.

"We take it." He says and I turn around and shake my head. He frowns at me and I roll my eyes again, before explaining myself. I'm rolling my eyes a lot lately.

"Are you stupid?" I ask and he flashes me a toothy grin before answering. Damn his good looks.
"No. You want it? You get it, kitten." I glare at him when the women decides to awww out loud. I turn to her with a disapproving look.

"I'm sorry, but we'll find another one. This is way too much." I tell her and she smiles at me, before nodding her head. With one last glare at Darmetir I continue to look after a nice dress, knowing that whatever I'll find, won't be any near the golden beauty, that I just left behind.


"How long are we gonna look for another dress? In the end we'll buy the first one." Darmetir sighs from behind me, followed by a laugh by the woman, whose name I learned was Serena. I roll my eyes at her.

We are still looking for a dress. Darmetir already decided to go with a normal suit and tie. But I still couldn't decide. And if I felt like this was the right one, it was either too expensive or he didn't like it. It's not like I care about his opinion, but after his comment I didn't like the dress anymore. Don't ask, please.

"Shut up." I tell him and he rolls his eyes. Before I could turn away from him, he left me to talk to Serena. I looked around in the room again, suddenly catching sight of my perfect golden dress. How much I wished it was cheap. But as soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew it was way out of my league.

"Alright, let's go to the cashier." Darmetir takes my hand. His hand is surprisingly warm but expectantly bigger than mine. He has my hand in a tight grip when he leads me to the front of the store.

"What? What do you mean 'let's go to the cashier'? I still haven't decided for a dress." I struggle to get out of his hold.
"Yeah you did. And I really don't wanna waste any more time in here, if you already know what you want, kitten." He shrugs. Again with the nickname?

"Don't call me that. And I remember telling you 'no'. It's way too expensive, Darmetir." I say when we reach the cashier. He just ignores me and I hit his back for doing so. He chuckles and I huff.

When he is finished with paying, he calls somebody to pick the clothes up and get it shifted to his place. Why his place, you may ask? Well, he decided to save gas money when I get ready at his place, which makes sense.

"Can we leave now?" He asks, coming to my side again. Serena takes this moment to say good bye.
"It was nice having you. I wish you the best for the gala. And the dress, may I add, was the best decision you could have made." She says and I smile at her before saying good bye as well.

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