Chapter twenty two

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"Bye, hun. And thank you Blake." Anne kisses my cheek and quickly gets out.
"No prob." He smiles at her. During the drive they chatted like normal people. But deep inside I know Blake's really pissed. I watch Anne get safely into her hotel.

"Why aren't you driving?" I silently ask when I notice, that he's still in the parking lot.
"Why are you sitting in the back?" He ask in a deep, very deep voice. Oh my god, how I wished I could lick his throat right now. Is that weird? Probably.

"I- uh I didn't want Anne to feel alone." I tell him. Well, it's partly true. But mostly, because I'm scared. As I probably mentioned before.
"She's not here anymore. How about you accompany me in the front." He glares at me through the reviewing mirror. I gulp but nod. I slowly get out and move towards the passenger door.

Shaking my head, I get inside. Why am I so scared? He's not going to kill me, right? As soon as I got my seatbelt on, he starts the engine. I think he's giving me the silent treatment.

"So, how was the show?" I ask and look at him. He simply shrugs and drives with one hand, while placing the other one on the window frame. Yep, definitely silent treatment.

"Oh come on. Did anything happen?" He shrugs again.
"Are you seriously giving me the silent treatment because I had fun?" He doesn't answer again.
"Fine, be like that." I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

After ten more minutes we're in the hotel room. I clean my face and change into pyjamas. I see Blake laying on the couch and roll my eyes.
"You're exaggerating." I murmur and turn the lights in the bathroom off.

To my surprise, he doesn't answer and I lay down into the bed. Now that I'm alone, it seems so big. I quickly get under the sheets and snuggle further into the pillow. I'm excited for tomorrow. I'm finishing off the show and we'll look like angels or something.

I just heard that it'll be like heaven and so on. Let's see how we'll look tomorrow. I yawn and slowly drift off to sleep.


"He's exaggerating." I tell Heidi on the breakfast table the next day. Blake didn't speak to me at all. I mean, the day is young but I have a feeling this will last longer.

"I think he's quite right on that one." Cody tells me. He's sitting in front of me, with Blake next to him and Heidi next to me.
"How? Please tell me. Because I can not see how it's any of his business. And why he's pissed now?" I ask him, laying my fork on the plate.

"Well, he's your fake boyfriend. And if you would've had paparazzi on your back yesterday, you would look pretty stupid. Because you're alone in a club without your fake boyfriend." He reasons. That didn't even make sense.

"That didn't make sense, but okay. Thanks for your opinion. I appreciate it. Because-" I turn to Blake.
"-I really want to hear what you have to say." With one last glare at him, I continue eating my yoghurt.

I know, yoghurt for breakfast? I can't eat anything else when I'm nervous. I'm just happy I'm eating, though.

"Can't you guys turn that little fight between you two off for today? You're supposed to kiss today, if you haven't forgotten." Heidi says. Oh, I totally forgot about it.

"What fight? He's being immature." I tell her and she rolls her eyes and looks at Cody for help. He sighs and looks at Blake, who glares at all of us.
"Fine." He says after a while and I shake my head while Cody smirks at Heidi.

"Okay, so after the show, you'll leave for the restaurant. We give you directions and all. Blake will actually drive like yesterday. And in the restaurant you're going to smile a lot and hold hands on the table. And before you guys leave, you'll kiss each other lovingly. Not like a make out session, but a cute little couple kiss. Got it?" Heidi explains and we both nod.

"I'm not entirely sure, if you got it. Let's practise. Smile at each other." Cody smirks at us. I frown at him but smile at Blake.
"Now Blake, take her hand." Heidi orders. He glances at the hand that is currently holding the spoon for my yoghurt and back up at me.

"Drop the spoon, stupid." He says and I open my mouth.
"How will I eat, if I drop my spoon, asshole?" I sneer at him. He clinches his jaw and glares at me.
"You don't have to ea-"
"Are you calling me fat now?" I gasp and his mouth falls agape. He called me fat, didn't he?

"No, what the fu-"
"Apologize." I glare at him.
"Why would I apologize? I didn't do anything." He shrugs, somehow finding this situation amusing.
"You called me fat." I say.
"No I didn't."

"Stop! Both of you." Cody massages his temples.
"He started it!" I pout.
"No, I didn't. She did." Blake growls.
"He said, stop it. I'm actually very disappointed in you Gaby. You're young but I expect you to behave mature and take this job serious." Heidi says and I lower my head in shame.

She's right. What am I doing? I'm an international model, not a kindergarten kid.
"I'm sorry." I murmur.
"Whatever, let's continue. Blake, take her hand." She says and this time I drop the spoon when he takes my hand.

"Hold eye contact." Cody smiles at us. Quite creepy, may I add. If I didn't know him, I'd probably feel very uncomfortable under his eyes.
"Now ki-"
"No wait. I think we got some fans around here." Heidi tells us, glancing around.

"Yeah. Let's not kiss yet. I bet you know how to kiss." Cody chuckles and I blush and drop Blake's hand. Blake chuckles and I glare at him.

This is going to be awkward.

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