Chapter thirty three

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"How are you guys?" The interviewer asks.
"Good." We answer in synchrony. That was quite creepy.

"Let's not beat around the bush for long. I mean, you are a couple. Our at least, you kiss a lot. You have not made it official yet, am I right?" She asks.
"Yes." Blake answers.
"So. Is this like your first interview as a couple?"
"It is." I smile at her.

"Amazing. You probably know that your life is like the number one topic in the American population. How do you feel about this?" She looks at Blake.

"To be honest, I do get why our life is so interesting right now. Especially for people who don't know us. But we are seriously just like everybody else. It's not like we behave differently in a relationship than anybody else who's in a relationship." The woman nods.

"But I'm really happy that I have her. I mean, look at her. We're probably called the golden couple only because of her perfect looks." He finishes and kisses my hand. I hope I don't blush too hard right now.

"Aww. That's really cute. How is it for you to be in a relationship with a famous football player? We haven't seen you a lot together lately." She asks me.

"Well, you're right. We didn't really find a lot of time together recently. It's just that he's busy with football practise since his game is in two days. And I'm trying to support him as much as I can. We're just on a tight schedule lately." I tell her.

"I totally understand. I'm assuming you'll be there to support him." She smiles.
"Most likely, yeah." I say.
"So now. I've heard a lot of rumours about this. And please forgive me if I'm wrong. But is it true that you punched that paparazzo in the face because he called her some names?" She asks Blake.

"I actually did punch him because he called her some names. I know I shouldn't have punched him, but he was disrespecting my girl, how am I supposed to react? I know it wasn't right as soon as I saw him bleeding." He squeezes my hand and I almost die. My girl...

"Of course it wasn't the best thing to do in this situation, but it is totally understandable that you protected your girlfriend." The women says and smiles at the both of us. Girlfriend...
"Oh, I've just recently heard that you got a new man in your life?" She looks at me and I frown.

"A new man?" I ask and she nods. It takes me only five seconds to realize that she's talking about Percy.
"Oh! You mean Percy? I really don't know how you find out about this so fast. You seriously have to tell me your sources." I joke and she laughs.

"This time was actually instagram. Your friend posted a picture of him and tagged you." She tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Only she would do that." I laugh along with her.
"I love dogs. I actually have two Chihuahuas." She says.

"Aww, what's their names?" I ask.
"Lili and Lohan." She answers.
"Cute." I say and she nods and smiles at me.
"Oh, we're totally forgetting you over there. I'm sorry. What do you say about Gabriella's new baby?" She laughs.

"I actually haven't seen him yet. But I love dogs." He answers smiling. I guess I should check my social medias more often.
"So I guess you guys are more like dog persons than cat persons." She asks and I nod.
"I don't know exactly. I like kittens." Blake rubs his hairy jaw. So hot.

"I guess you're right. Kittens are cute." The woman smiles. Is it just me or does it feel like he didn't mean it like that...
"Not all of them, though." He grins at me and I shake my head while grinning back.

"Well I like to pat them and play with them." She says and Blake chuckles.
"Same." He says and kisses my hand again. I bite my cheek from laughing.

"Okay, what is going on?" The interviewee asks and Blake just shakes his head.
"I don't know what you mean." He jokes and I giggle.
"What's so funny? I want to know too." She fake pouts.

"It's just that, some kittens are feisty and just plain rude." He looks at me and my mouth falls agape. I hit his chest playfully. He chuckles and pulls me closer to him.
"But you gotta love them anyways, right?" He kisses my cheek and I blush for the second or third time today.

"Aww. I think I caught on, but just for the record. You were talking about her, right?" She asks him and he nods. Obviously...
"Sometimes I call her kitten because she doesn't like the nickname babe." He answers.

"Oh. That's just adorable." She says and I smile at her.
"Are you guys up for a little game?" She asks.

"What kind of game?" I ask suspiciously and she laughs.
"It's called truth or dare." She says.
"Oh. I'm in." Blake grins.
"Me too." I say.
"Great. We've picked some truths and dares for you from your Twitter followers." She says and we nod.

"Truth or dare?" She asks me.
"Dare." I say. I always take dare.
She laughs when she sees what I'll have to do and I frown. Is it something disgusting?
"Try to lick your elbow." She says and I sigh in relief.

Blake starts laughing when I try but fail.
"Well, it said try. So I did." I excuse after giving up. They laugh and Blake picks dare as well.
"Try not to laugh for one minute." She says and he does.

She stops the time and I look at him. I can see how he's fighting his smile. Finally he breaks and laughs.
"I don't even know why I laughed." He exclaims and we laugh at him.

We continue playing until my last dare.
"Kiss each other on the lips for longer than ten seconds. (Ps. The restaurant kiss was for babies. Show some tongue!)" She chuckles when she reads it out loud. I shake my head but look at Blake, who's already licking his lips.

His eyes focus on my lips when I lean in and the interviewee stops the time. The moment our lips touch again, my stomach turns around. In the good way though. He pulls me closer with his hand in my hair, not letting me go anywhere.

He nibs on my bottom lip and I gladly give him an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. The moment our tongues fight for dominance, my heart beats faster. I'm in deep shit.

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