Chapter thirty five

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Gabriella's PoV

"You didn't have to pick me up. We could've met there." I tell Blake when I open my door. He's standing there in all his glory. He shrugs and clinches his jaw, don't ask me why. He kind of looks like he's in pain or something. But it's cute that he thought of picking me up.

"Your house was actually on my way to the restaurant. Shall we go then?" He asks and I nod. Well, then...
"Let me just grab my purse." I say and quickly get upstairs to get my purse from my room. Blame me for letting my purse upstairs. Now I have to get up the stairs, ugh.

I grab it and quickly get down again. Wouldn't want Blake to wait too long. When I get back I catch sight of Blake bending down to pet Percy. He must have woken up from his nap. He looks so pained. I stand there watching him for a while before realizing that I'm acting a bit creepy and clear my throat.

"I'm ready." I say and he nods and stands up again, much to Percy's dislike.
"I'll be right back." I tell Percy and close the door after I got out.
I hear Blake chuckle and frown. Don't we all talk to our pets?

"So, where are we going?" I ask after thanking him for opening the passenger door for me. He's oddly quiet the whole time.
"Uh, this restaurant called olive garden. You ever heard of it?" He asks.
"Duh." I roll my eyes.

His chuckle seems forced but I hold myself back from asking. Maybe he's just had a bad day. Which reminds me of the video, Heidi showed me. A giggle escapes my lips and I quickly cover my mouth.

Blake's head snaps to me, his eyes wide in surprise.
"What?" He asks and I shake my head, not trusting my voice. A smile escapes his lips and he shakes his head, before looking back on the road.

We arrive at the restaurant. This time, thankfully with no paparazzi being hurt. There were actually only a few paparazzi.

I sit down on the one side of the booth, while Blake sits down in front of me. Quite slowly, may I add. He hands me the menu card and I thank him again. When the waiter comes to take the order we actually order the same things, which makes me feel even more awkward.

The tension between us two is just too much. No one speaks and Blake seems quite disappointed by something. Now that I look at him, I notice a bandage around his arm. It wasn't visible in the car since he had his jacket on.

"What happened there?" I point to his arm. He looks at it, before blushing.
"I burned myself when I made breakfast today." He tells me and I hold back my laugh.
"Oh. I thought you were a good cook." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"I am. It's just not my day today." He scoffs and pouts, looking away. I don't think he's even aware of how adorable he looks.
"You should've told me. I'm sure we could've postponed the lunch date together." I say and he frowns me.
"Nah, I'm fine." He dismisses.

I nod and silence follows again. It is so awkward right now. I'm still a bit mad because of the Minnesota fight, but I don't want to bring it up. It seems like Blake read my mind, though.

"So..." He says, locking eyes with me. I wait for him to continue with an arch of my eyebrow. He clears his throat and drops his gaze.
"How are you?" He asks and I inwardly roll my eyes.

"Good." I take a sip of my water, hearing him sigh.
"You still mad because of Minnesota. I see." He leans back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Of course I am. I just don't get why couldn't stay for dinner. I know damn well that you could, but you didn't want to." I cross my arms over my chest as well.

"It's my fucking job, Gabriella. I can't just decide when I want to go to training and when not. I thought you knew that." He glares at me.
"Of course I know that, but- you know what. Why arguing? You don't even get my point." I snap back at him.

"Because you don't fucking have a point. I couldn't miss another day of training. Get it in your fucking head." He growls, leaning closer.
"I fucking know that, Blake. Don't act like I'm stupid." I sneer back.

"You don't think I'd like it to get to know your family better?" He asks in anger. I hold myself back from laughing in his face.
"Don't act like you care, Blake." I snort dryly.

"What do you mean 'don't act like you care'?" He frowns.
"You don't have to act like you actually wanted to get to know my family. It's for the show after all." I whisper in anger. I don't know who's listening, but I feel some eyes on us.

"That doesn't mean that I don't care about you." He says and I frown at him.
"I care about you." He says softer this time.

"You shouldn't." I turn cold, despite my surprise that he actually just said that. I realized in Minnesota, after he left me, that I got way too attached to him. I need to be careful with this guy.

"Well, I do." He glares at me.
"Then stop it." I snap and he clinches his jaw and drops the eye contact again. He looks so pissed right now.

"You know what? Let's leave. I'm actually not in the mood for this anymore." He says, standing up.
"You leave. It's probably even better that way." I dismiss him with my hand.

People look at us, but remain silent. Blake looks around and cliches his jaw, before leaning down to talk to me.
"Why must you be so fucking complicated all the time?" He growls and I glare at him.

"It is rude to just leave before the food is even here. I actually am hungry. I'll take yours with me then. Just leave, I don't feel like talking to you any longer." I snap and he glares one last time before slamming 100 bucks on the table.

"Have fun." He pecks my lips angrily, before really leaving me alone. Somehow, I didn't think he'd actually go. Asshole...

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