Chapter One

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I woke up in the dark alley and checked my watch. Shit, 1:00 AM. I was so dead. The moment I got up, the door opened and October, my best friend, exited the Crypt. She looked worried. 'Are you okay, Snow?' She asked.

'Yeah.' I lied. 'I'm fine.' She gave me a look of dissapproval. I said, 'Alright. Nothing is fine.' October sat on the ground and patted on the pavement next to her and said, 'C'mon, tell Auntie October what happened.'

I sat next to her and felt tears roll down my cheeks. 'It's Vlad. He... he said that he... that I... deserved someone who really loved me, not a monster like him.' I said.

'Wow,' October said, 'That's deep.' She mulled this over for a few minutes and then said, 'The way I see it, you have three options. 1) Call Vlad and ask for him to come by and talk. 2) Totally forget him. And euhm... I'm still working on three.'

It was silent for a moment. I broke the silence, 'I should go home now.' October nodded and asked, 'Do you want me to bring you home?' Why did everybody but me seem to have a car? I nodded and we got back inside the Crypt. Sprat was on the velvet couches, eating as much Twinkies as he could. Andrew was trying to charm a girl near the bar, which didn't work out well because she slapped him. And Kristoff was dancing with a girl I recognized as the girl who I sat next to in algebra.

We collected them all and got into October's old pick-up truck. I told them what happened and Andrew and Sprat seemed understanding. Kristoff seemed vengeful, as always.

As we stopped in front of my apartment, Sprat handed me a dozen of Twinkies and Andrew handed me my purse that I had thrown against his head in order to shut him up about Vlad and me making out. If only they knew.

'Don't worry, girl,' October said, 'Everything will be fine.' Sprat didn't bother to swallow before he spoke to me, 'Yeah. Vwad wouwd be a werk if 'e didn't come wack.' I thanked them for the ride and watched as their car shrank in the dark, back to Bathory.

I searched for my keys. I couldn't find them, the only things in my purse where my make-up, a handkerchief and some pepper spray (just in case.)

When I finally found the key, I opened the door and entered the building. The receptionist, Lenny, eyed me for a moment, then got back to sleep. I took the stairs to level five and walked to apartment 5F. I heard noise coming from the other side of it. Shit, dad was still up watching TV.

I entered as noiseless possible. Unfortunately, my cat Cinderella betrayed me by mewing loud. My dad extinguished the TV and stood up, sighing, he said, 'Do you know how late it is?'

'I lost the track of time.' I said, scared. He sighed again and turned to face me. 'You know what happened to your mom when she came home with that excuse?'

I nodded. Of course I knew. He had killed her with a knife. A meat knife! The jerk. He said, 'Okay. You're grounded for the rest of the year.' What? Six months?

'But, dad. I-' He raised an eyebrow and his fist. He punched my nose and I felt it break. He punched me for a few minutes and then stood. He walked to his room without another word. I stood up, still slightly shaking, and grabbed some ice from the freezer. That was it. As silently as I could, I walked to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my backpack from the corner near my desk and began to stuff my clothes inside.

I checked it for a last time. My cellphone, my purse, my laptop, my camera and of course, a picture of my Vladimir. I missed him.

After I packed, I got out of the apartment, taking the key with me. The streets of Stokerton where dark and obscure. The summer breeze tickled my face. An arm stopped me and the voice of its owner said, 'Stop.'

Oh oh. Big-time trouble.

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