Chapter Two

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I turned around to see the source of the sound. It was a tall blond guy.

'Do you want cocaïne or marihuana?' he asked. I shook my head and my eyes widened. Never my heart had pounded more than now.

'Nothing.' I said.

Out of nowhere, arms grasped me. I tried to fight them. I could only think one thing. '!'

But I sighed as I realized that it was useless. He wouldn't come back. They took off my jacket and pushed me into the alley a few feet away.

'Listen.' the tall boy said, holding a sharp knife against my throat. 'Or you'll buy something, or you die. Your choice.'

As the boy who held me loosened his grip, I seized the moment and yelled. 'Help!'

The boy began to hold me tightly again.

'Open her backpack.' the tall blond one said. Three pairs of hands took my backpack from my back and began pulling out things.

Then, they pulled IT out. The last thing I had from her. A silver music box that had belonged to my mom. I yelled like an outraged and began punching everyone I could reach.

I didn't care about my backpack anymore. Just the music box.

I finally managed to run out of the alley with the music box, a girl so tall she could've been a boy ran after me. Suddenly, she turned around and headed back for the alley.

I didn't know why until I bumped into flesh. It was a man.

'Are you all right?' he asked.

I then saw it was a police officer. I looked back and said, 'Yeah. I'm... great.'

'Where you the one screaming?' he asked.

'Yes. But I'm okay, now.' I said.

'Wait, I know you.' he said again, narrowing his eyes and helping me up.

'Snow Harker, isn't it?' he asked.

'Yep. That's me.' I said, picking up the music box inside me.

'Come on, let's bring you home.' he said, heading for the direction where I just came from.

'No!' I yelled. 'Please, don't let me go back there. It was terrible... I escaped narrowly.' I said. After I told him the whole story of how my mother was killed and I abused, he raised his eyes.

'I see. We'll find you someone to look after you.' the policeman said.

Snow opened the music box and withdrew the picture inside. The pale and gaunt boy was smiling at her, his black hair swept smoothly above one eyes. He wore a black v-neck t-shirt and black jeans. If you looked really close, you could see his fangs protruding a few milliinches.

Vladimir Tod.

'Snow?' the police officer asked. 'Are you okay?'

Snow nodded and put the picture back in the silver music box. The policeman took her to his car where he handed her a soft black blanket and let her go inside the car. They drove for almost ten minutes to the police station. The officer, officer Paul Stryker, according to his badge, helped Snow out of the car and took her inside the police station.

It was empty, mind you, it was nearly 3:00 A.M. Paul picked up the phone and dialled a number. After a while he said, 'Hello, Daniella. I'm sorry to bother you this early in the morning, but I was wondering if you had room for one more?'

A voice talked on the other side and Paul nodded. 'I'll be brining her soon. Her name's Snow Harker. Yes, indeed.'

After five more minutes, he lay the phone back and handed Snow a cup of tea.

'I'll be taking you to a woman who takes care of children like you. She lived in Bathory. I'll be bringing you shortly.' Paul said.

Before Snow knew, they were in Paul's car on their way to Bathory, on their way for this woman. To the same town where the boy who Snow had a huge crush on lived.

'Who is that boy, if I may ask?' Paul said suddenly, as Stokerton dissapeared from view.

'Euhm... A friend.' Snow said.

'He looks nice.' Paul said, looking sideways at Snow. She opened the music box again and pulled out the picture. He really did look nice. A tear splatted on the boy's jaw, as if he too was crying.

'Oh, I see.' Paul said.

Snow did not know how he could see she was in love with the vampire who had made her his drudge a few years ago and then had released her for an unknown reason. Snow didn't believe the whole 'Someone better for you' rubbish. In every romantic movie she had ever watched (five or so) the guy always said that. Always. But in fact they were a matching pair.

'It'll be alright.' Paul said, patting her on the back. 'What's his name.'

Snow looked at the officer. For the first time in her life, an adult really looked interested in her story.

'Vladimir.' said Snow.

'Ah. Russian, I believe?' Paul said. Snow nodded.

'Snow, if I've ever learned something in my 44-year-long life, is that everything will be good in the end. Trust me. There are other boys in the w-'

The officer stopped dead as he saw Snow's expression. They were almost in Bathory now.

'What I trying to say is th-' he began, but Snow stopped him.

'I know what you mean.' Snow said, pulling the soft blanket up to her nose.

A few minutes later, they pulled into a driveway in Westenra Drive. Snow stepped out and slammed the door so hard she cringed.

Paul knocked on the door and a few seconds later, a friendly voice said, 'I'm coming.'

The door opened, and Snow prepared herself for the worst.

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