Chapter One: The Milk and Cookies

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"Okay class," Mrs. Pharris gathered all the children as they entered through the door, "Welcome to the first day of kindergarten."  By the sound of her voice, I could tell she had been teaching for a long time.  She sounded tired and ready to retire letting her go wherever it was she wanted to go.  I even knew this and I was only five years old, a student in her class.  It was easy to tell with her hair, blond with streaks of white, and her face, wise with wrinkles.

Children cheered and clapped as they were excited to start their kindergarten year.  Others were crying or hanging on to their mommies or daddies, scared to death of the elderly teacher.  My mom was in too much of a rush to get to work, so I had to just stand there alone waiting for the show to get on the road.  My eyes flashed to every student's face, taking in all their emotions.  Mrs. Pharris continued on her small speech and she ended with, "Great!  Now everyone pick a desk and that will be your own special desk for the whole year."

Kids immediately scattered around the room looking at every desk like their lives depended on it.  As for me, I just picked one near the window.  I enjoyed looking out at the clouds stroll by in the blue sky.  Outside was the playground and all the bouncy balls and tricycles for recess time.  Looking back at the students, I sighed, remembering that I knew no one in the class.  It was the first day of school after all.  I watched kids my age walking to and fro.  Mrs. Pharris finally hurried all the students, making them all pick their desk.

"Wonderful!  Now that everyone has their own seat and desk, lets get to know your neighbors," Mrs. Pharris stated as she walked around the room with her hands behind her back.  She watched as the students began to mingle with each other sharing their names and so on, "Don't be shy to ask your neighbors what their favorite food is, favorite color, or even favorite movie."

I made the decision to turn to my right since no one was to my left.  There sat a girl with two ponytails with bows in her blond hair.  I tapped on her shoulder, causing her to stop mid-sentence to her other neighbor.  She turned to look at me and I smiled the best smile I could.

"Hi, I'm Jazmin.  What's your name?" I asked as she smiled back at me.

"My name's Victoria.  I can tell, we're going to be best friends!" she stated and turned back to her other neighbor.

Was that weird?  She says we'll be best of friends then she turns away from me?  Or was that how it was suppose to go?  I knew nothing of how best friends were made.  I just knew that my mom was the best one I could ask for.  Anyways, I didn't think anything of it right then and there.  I blew it off and turned around.  Sitting there was a boy with dark brunette hair.  I set my smile on my face again and waved slightly, "Hi, I'm Jazmin."

The boy's face was scrunched up, like someone had just farted and he took in a big whiff of it.  My smile dropped as he finally spoke.  "Eww!  You're a girl!  You just touched me and gave me cooties!" he yelled loudly.  Some kids turned around and laughed.  The brunette headed boy laughed too and turned his head back towards a curly headed boy who was sitting to his right.

As kids still laughed at me, I looked down at my desk trying to ignore all the little chuckles and giggles.  Sighing, I turned my eyes to the window and looked up at the sky.  Blue as Blue from Blue's Clues.  Yeah, that show was my favorite.  'Who's clues?  Blues clues!' I sang in my head.  That ended up helping me smile.

"Children settle down!" Mrs. Pharris stated as the students began to quiet down as well as put their eyes on the teacher.  "Lets head over to the reading corner and begin a book I am pretty sure all of you will love!"  Mrs. Pharris made her way to the reading corner which consisted of a rocking chair for herself and the children got to sit on different colored squares of their own on the carpet.  Students followed her over to the corner, I too making my way to a green colored square.

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