Chapter Two: The Home

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The year quickly flew by and it was the first year of the first grade.  Mr. Milk and I were placed in the same class once again.  Although we both became a year older, the two of us were still uneasy with each other.  Joe would talk to me every now and again, making sure his brother wasn't a big bully.  I usually told him that I was alright and Nick was calming down.

I remember one time Joe walked over to me during our recess time.  "Hey, Nick is being good right?  I mean, I like playing your bodyguard, it's kind of fun," he said and laughed as other children were watching the two of us talk.  Usually, fourth graders never talked to first graders, so it looked pretty odd that he was talking to me.

"Well... I guess," I answered him and he lifted an eyebrow at me.  He knew that I was lying at this moment and he shook his head.  I bit down on my bottom lip as he crossed his arms and shook his head.

"I'll beat him up when we get home.  He will learn how to treat girls sooner or later," he said and smirked, "I'll see you around kid," he said and smiled as he rushed over to the basketball court with his other friends.  That moment I knew Joe was a good boy.  He kept me safe at some point, easy Nick down.

"Nick's brother won't always be here to save you, you know.  Too bad he can only make sure what Nick's actions are and not mine," Alex shoved me and walked away with a cackling laugh.  It was true, Alex was much more worse than Nick was since the beginning.  He was the bigger bully, sometimes I wondered if Nick was being controlled by this Alex kid.

Years kept flying by and school didn't get easier.  Comments were said about me and no doubt, I was the one to pick on in the whole school.  I didn't know why I was, I was polite to others, but almost every student in my age group has said or done something to me.  Then a bittersweet thing came my way.  Before my fourth grade school year started, my mom and I moved to Michigan.  Michigan?  Really?  I mean how freaking random was that?  Only thing that was good was that I got away from the bullying... so I thought.

My years in the schools in Michigan were not smooth sailing.  My first year there, I was a fourth grader.  Right off the bat, I felt out of place.  I missed California when the weather was warmer and everyone didn't have to bundle up in massive layers.  Everyone in school, including myself, believed I was just "too-California".  Whatever that meant.

During lunch I would sit by myself, either in the cafeteria or over in some teacher's classroom.  Teachers were my better friends.  I seemed to be closer with teachers rather than students.  This got me a bit more bullied since I had no one better to hang out with but adults.  Middle school came all too quickly and I was immediately labeled as the weirdo.

The last day of middle school had finally finished.  The walk to my house was lonely, like any other day.  The walk from school to home was a short ten minutes, but with the sun beating down in the June summer sky, the walk felt like hours.  A sigh escaped my parted lips as I unlocked the door.  I felt the air conditioned house air hit my face and I was so glad I didn't have to go to school for another couple months.  I hated it.  I hated Michigan.  It was too... not my home.

I dropped my backpack off of my shoulders and on to the floor.  My eyes looked over to the couch and I sat on the couch and turned the television on and flipped through the channels.  I settled on watching some cartoons and I unlaced my high-top Converse, kicking them off to the side of the couch.

The house was empty, just me.  Mom was at work in the hospital being a doctor's assistant.  Oh yeah, being an only child kind of sucks.  That only makes me and my mom in the house.  My dad had come with us to Michigan, but then a mean divorce showed up on us.  That was something I never wanted to go through again.  He moved back to California (which I am completely jealous of).  I stared carelessly at the television and sighed once again.  I then heard my mom come in the house.  I looked over at her as she was wearing her scrubs.

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