A few good men

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"So Isabel, out mother

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"So Isabel, out mother... Is Alarics dead wife?" Emma asked Elena who jut filled her in on hag hat Jenna had just told her. Elena took in a breath and nodded letting it out, Emma shrugged not really caring "okay. Least you can cope now" Emma replied focusing back on her text messages. Elena furrowed her brows thinking now a better time then ever to bring something up.

"Hey Em?" In rep since Emma only hummed not bothering to even glance at Elena "how did you feel when... Mom and dad died?" Emma looked up from her phone at the question and furrowed her brows, trying to think about that day. "I know you weren't here.... But when you heard.." Honestly Emma got dragged out by made who made her drink her sorrows away. She doesn't even remember crying or anything of a mourning way, just drinking and laughing. But not saying that to her sister she gave a fake half frown,

"I felt.... Sad, you know? Who wouldn't eyes sad when their parents died" she said bluntly before looking back at her phone. She lips tucked up into a smirk at the message she received "alright. Tyler and I are gonna be at the grill, most likely helping his mom set up for tonight" before Elena could even respond Emma was skipping out the room with nothing more than her words as a goodbye. Elena frowned before her eyes drifted to her sisters night stand. There laid Emma's light blue diary. She but her lip and glanced back at the door before stepping over and picking it up. She was about to do something she would really regret.

"there was this really cute new guy, I'll admit I had hope but like always Elena always gets the guys. It like when I liked Matt, when we were younger but he only and always had eyes for Elena."

"today when I looked into Stefan's eyes I could tell he would never hurt Elena, that's he'd love her no matter what. I think knowing that hurts me, because as I told him tonight it's always Elena, it always will be...."

"it's been four days since Elena's and Stefan's break up or fight, usually i would be happy. Because I didn't feel as bad for having feelings for him, But I'm not that person, not that girl. Stefan's is obviously in love with elena and she is with him, all I can do is sit in the background and do nothing but watch...."

"I feel nothing, I don't know what but my feelings for Stefan are gone, all I can think about is other people problems. But not in he he good way. It's like I need to know all the mayhem just so I can breath, something's change.... And I don't care."

"I slept with Tyler. It's apart of my revenge for when he use to bully me. Now that I'm hot, I just have this power to make him do what I am. That's horrible, I know, but I don't care. Literally. Bonnie's grams died and I'm pretty sure I just shrugged and got drunk and slept with Tyler. Just  like I did when my parents died, only I got drunk with jade and laughed the night away....."

"Elena is honestly so annoying, does she really think I care about all her problem? Honestly, I wish she would joint leave me alone... But if she did that, I wouldn't be getting any mucky details. Plus I know she's lying to me both something, it seems everyone is. But it's not like I care, oh and I'm adopted, shocker...'

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