Memory Lane

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"All I'm saying is i don't think she likes me" Emma mumbled to Jenna as they sat in the kitchen, Jenna was hosting a baroque for mason nod Caroline came, under Elena's invite, since she needed someone she could talk to about things Emma didn't know. Jenna furrowed her brows "what do you mean? You guys were all buddy, buddy in the hospital and even for a little after that" Jenna pointed out and Emma sighed, she felt stupid, trying to have something she never had before.

"I think, she thinks, I like Matt" Emma said and jean a rose a brow "and it might have been true in the last, but not anymore. I just  wanted a friend that doesn't lie to me"

"Who lies to you?" Jenna sled and Emma sighed again, it felt like everybody, except Jenna, she just didn't have time with her work and dating Alaric. Emma was happy for her and she understood, which was why Matt and Tyler were her only option. but Tyler mention something about mason having a secret and him needing to know, so hew  as busy with that. Plus Matt actually talked to her and called and texted her and always seem to be there when she got lonely or needed someone to talk to. He was the perfect friend, mainly because he was going through exactly what she was. "Everybody, minus you, minus Matt."

Jenna let her mouth fall into an 'o' shape had she been feeling that too, Elena lying and Jeremy too, like they were keeling secrets that they couldn't handle. She bobbed her head and was about to comment when Elena came over to help the two set up. "Thanks for letting me invite Caroline..." Elena started no Emma pursed her lips and grabbed a plate moving it to the table before walking elsewhere. "She could use a day of distraction."

"Well so a man Emma" Jenna added before saying "plus she's not the plus one I'm worried about. Why is Damon coming?" She asked Elena who let out a sigh before look into to Jenna "because, Alaric is a pity taker"Jenna made a face "come on, Jenna be nice." Elena popped a grape in her mouth "I'll be nice when domain learns to keep his paws off you."

"Ahh, good news. Found the shot glasses." Mason said coming in with three shot glasses and some liquor and Jenna let out a laugh as he placed it on the table before them.  "...and that would be my. Exit" Elena muttered before walking away and over to caroline.

Emma came back down stairs wearing something completely different and headed to the doors, her eyes glued in her phone and she was texting someone. Elena furrowed her brows "hey, where are you going?" She asked Emma who completely ignored her like she wasn't there, like she didn't exist, basically what she had been doing to Emma for the longest. Emma walked out the house closing the door behind her before she started making her way down the street.

"I'm sorry about Caroline" Emma said to Matt, they had broken up and it was the first time Emma heard about it since the lake party. "I know you really liked her, plus she was good for you" Emma added as she picked up a French fry and plopped it in her mouth. Matt just sighed and leaned back in the booth chair, the last thing he wanted to do was talk about Caroline, because he was there to help him get over Elena and then he fell for her and then she just changed and it was all so much it bothered him and when he just made Emma, who he saw as a friend, walked away from him twice because caroline bellied Emma liked it him, it just made him see that it was time to let her go.

"Yeah, but after the way she treated you..." Matt sighed once more "not to mention how she accused you of liking me" he  let out a chuckle and Emma hummed and took a sip of her soda, Matt furrowed his brows seeing how she didn't laugh along. "You don't me? Do you?" He asked and her brows scrunched together as she moved her lips away from the straw and swallowed the soda.

"No" she said shaking her head "I'm mean not any more..."

"Wait, what? Since when did you like me?" He asked her a small smile on his face as this was new information to him. Ema. Shrugged it being old information to her. "I think I started to like you in the fifth grade, but you know nobody knew what that was, it was all just cooties" she joked and they oth let out a chuckle "...but I'd say I real side it in seventh grade and then i was going to tell you freshman year, but then you started dating Elena"

"Oh wow, I'm sorry" he said and she shrugged, she was over it, "don't sweat it. Plus there gone now, I'm just in that zine where I'm not into anybody. Just looking for friends" she said and he nodded, his face falling slightly as she reached out and forced himself to drink his soda for a quick second. "Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to" he said giving a smile and A small smile came to her face as she finally got that off her chest, it felt like she was free. She didn't want secrets, not in her friend ships or anything. Not like what everybody else was doing to her, use her as an escape from there secrets than leave her not even a minuet latter for those secrets.

When night fell Matt and Emma where walking back to their homes, well she was walking him back to his, her excuse 'can't let a guy with a broken arm, wander the streets at night alone' to which he laughed and nodded his head a agreeing. So to here they were walking down a sidewalk and joking about the last year, Emma's fun times in Europe and Matts fun time sin mystic falls, the place that neither of could them escaped. Yeah Emma got out for a year, but she stilled end up back in the place that she never wanted to return to.

"There's no way, I refuse to believe you and Jade skipped school just to get day wasted" Matt said shaking his head and Emma only let out a snicker. "In our defense, she was getting over a break up and if we didn't we wouldn't have met our third musketeers." Emma said "Kat. She's the best, total smoke show and I think you'd actually like her"

Matt snickered as it was Emma's way to suggest Matt moving on and Emma sit rolled her eyes as laughing it off was matts way of saying no. "But seriously.... Europe was good for you, it changed you in ways that made you...." He trailed off and she rose her brows "it made you more mature, more confident. It's did good by you"

A smile came of Emma's face, it was true, Europe changed her, she stopped giving a damn about what other people thought about her. She had two amazing friends who stood by her and worried with her, she had safety, a life, and in ways one couldn't understand, she had a family. "Yeah... Which is why I decided I'm moving back, after Senior year." She let out a sigh as he remained quiet, them coming to a stop in reforming of his house. "There's really nothing left for me here, yeah I have family and you and the rest of my friends... But Europe... It just something I crave to remember, ya' know? It was like the moment I came back I forgot all the important stuff"

"Meaning you miss get day wasted" Matt joked with a chuckle causing her to laugh along with him with a playfully eye roll. When the laughs came down she shook her head lightly the smile planted in rest face, the day was good for her. "I'll see you at school, matty blue blue" she said with the light smile coming to both their faces he gave a nod. She went to turn and keep walking down to her housed which actually wasn't far from his, but his call for her stopped her rim even taking a step "hey, emma!"

She turned back around that smile still planted on her face as she awaited what he had to say, but he took a daring step forward and a gulped lightly not sure if he should make the move or not. She had no idea he started to lean in, only because the constant loud buzzing in her pocket occurred and she sighed pulling out her phone, that stopping the decision he made before it even Happened.

Elena 10:23pm
Emma, it's urgent please come it the boarding house!

Elena 10:23pm
I need to tell you something important, lease don't be mad

Emma 10:24pm
Why? So you can lie to my face again?

Elena 10:25pm
No. Please come, no more lying
I promise

Emma sighed as she looked back up at Matt, still unaware of what he was going to say or do "I have to go, Elena needs me" she said but gave him one last smile, "but thanks for tonight. Your a good friend, Matt" she told him and he nodded and this time let her leave. The words your a good friend, Matt running through his head as he gave a sigh before turning and heading up and into his house. Not knowing what he was thinking.

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