three | not right in the head

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{louis' pov}

Harry's mom had arrived a couple of hours ago, and hasn't left Harry's side since. She was crying before she got here, and now she's crying even more now that she knows Harry has a serious brain tumor.

     I'm no doctor, but there just has to be a way out of this. Harry has to survive. If he does pass, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. what am I saying? Of course Harry will live through this, he's a strong guy. I know this isn't any cold, or fever, but I'm not doubting Harry's strength. I know him, and he'll get through this. 

     The rest of the boys had gone home, leaving me and Harry's mom, Anne, by Harry's side. I'm not leaving him here, not like this, he needs me, and I need him right now too; despite that sounding completely selfish of me.

     It was raining pretty hard outside. It always seems to be raining here in England, so that's no surprise. I grabbed hold of Harry's hand, his other hand in Anne's. Harry moaned when my fingers entwined with his, he was awake. 

"Harry! Baby, you're awake!" Anne whisper-yelled, probably not wanting to alarm Harry. 

"Mom, w-what're you doing here?" Harry asked, his voice deeper than usual. 

"What do you mean what am I doing here, I'm not just going to sit back and relax back home knowing my baby has a serious brain tumor!" 

"Wait, what?" He looked to me, "I-I have a brain tumor?" He looked worried, and scared for the answer.

"Yes. Uh, you do." I replied simply, not looking his in the eyes. I couldn't bear face him and tell him.

{harry's pov}

"Fuck. Why hadn't you told me sooner?" I wasn't speaking to anyone in particular, but Louis decided to answer. Mom was silent, probably regretting blurting the whole 'brain tumor' situation to me.

"We didn't want to wake you. Doctor says you need as much rest as possible." He answered. 

     "Well, I would like to know if I have a fucking brain tumor, Lou!" I yelled. I probably shouldn't have done that. The result in my yelling began with moaning and groaning erupting from my throat, then ending with my eyes squeezing shut, and my fingers massaging my temples, trying to ease the pain.

     "Calm down, Harry. Resting is what you need most right now; don't let this strain you. The doctor's are trying their best." My mother was right, but I didn't want to admit it. She's always right.  

I sighed heavily, fully resting my head on my warm indented pillow. 

A lump emitted in my throat, I tried my hardest to hold back the tears, "H-How bad is it?" 

     "I don't think you wanna know, Haz." Louis replied. I sure as hell wanted to know, but Louis, like my mother, knows what's best for me as well, he's my best friend, it's his job to protect me from things that might hurt me, mentally and physically, but my not knowing how bad it is, and his not wanting to tell me, I assumed it was very bad, I don't know if this is one of those things I can just count on him to protect me from. Not that I needed his protection or anything, but in this situation I wanted to know someone was on my side. And I wanted that person to be Louis. I'm not ready to die, if dying even was the case in this whole 'you've-got-a-brain-tumor' situation. There's still so much I want to do with my life before I even think about passing. 

But there's life for you. Handing you random surprises, and slapping you across the face with them. Whether you're ready for them, or not.   


Muffled whispers could be heard coming from what I could tell to be Louis, and mom whispering to each other. Of which they were talking about, I did not know. 

     I attempted to lift my head to get a better look at what was going on; but I was paralyzed, weak. I couldn't bring up enough strength to even so much as lift my head up to look around, "Lou-Louis what's going on?" I was confused, just lying there unable to move; completely innocent and vulnerable.

"You fell asleep, everythings fine, Harry. Go back to sleep." He started talking to mother again. 

   I puffed out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in, and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing was coming out. It wouldn't matter if anything came out of my mouth or not, Louis and mom had already left the room, probably stopping by the cafeteria, but their conversation sounded pretty important, what's going on? 

I sighed heavily when a nurse entered the room, placing a handful of pills on my tray, leaving a glass of water, she smiled, then left. 

I gulped four pills down my thoat, washing it down with the water left on my tray, then soon after swallowing the last 5.

     Not 20 minutes after I had taken my pills, I was beginning to feel really tired; my eyes droopy, my eyelids heavy. The room muffled out into a blur, before everything went black and I slipped into my slumber; only to be awoken quickly after to the sound of more muffled voices coming from Louis and mom entering the room again.

"What are you talking about?" I was tired of being ignored, and not being given answers. 

     "Nothing, Harry." Mother replied simply, "Mom, please t-tell-" I was interrupted by continuous countless coughs errupting from my throat, I was quickly beginning to feel nautious, grabbing the nearest bucket, and throwing up in it while Louis called the Doctor into the room. 


a/n; finally updated.. lame ending.... /: sorry, i haven't updated in sooo long. only because summer break started not too long ago, and i've been caught up in other things, but i decided that i just had to update this because it's been like, too long.. anyways, i hope you enjoyed. (: please vote, and comment! :D x

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