two | hospital visit

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{louis' pov}

                                                                                                                                      We called 911. The ambulance came, and they took Harry away. They had told us to meet them at the hospital, as there, of course, wasn't enough room in the ambulance for all of us to ride with Harry. So here I am driving, speeding down the road worried as ever for the health of my friend.

   I remained silent as the rest of the boys were arguing upon what they thought was wrong with Harry, disagreeing with each other, yelling at each other for no reason. We were all beyond worried.

   When we had finally arrived at the hospital, we all ran straight into the hospital, despite bumping into complete strangers, and maybe tripping over a curb, I don't really remember. All I could think about was getting to Harry. That's all any of us was thinking about right now.

   The nurse at the front desk had told us his room number, and he had finally slowed down from running, to fast-walking down the halls until he had finally reached his room number. We all piled into the cramped hospital room, and there Harry was, lying on the white sheets of a cheap hospital bed, straped to a machine of which I had no idea the name of.

   I slowly approached the broken boy, "Oh, Harry..." I sat down in the chair beside his bed, and watched as tiny little snores left his slightly open lips as he slept. So peaceful.

"I'll call his mom." Said Zayn just before leaving the room to make a call to Harry's mother.

   Liam, Niall and I all piled around Harry, staring at every delicate feature that lay upon his cheeks, making sure he was still all in one peace. I couldn't possibly imagine losing Harry. I don't even want to get that into my head, I'm done thinking about it.

   Harry's eyes were slowly creaking open, and he worriedly looked around the room, only to recognize his bandmates. "What's going on, where am I?" He sat up, only to groan in pain, and slam his body back down on the bed, "Shh, shh, just lie down, rest." I said, "You passed out back at the flat, we had you rushed to the hospital, so here we are." I informed him on what was happening.

   "The doctors are running some tests on why you so suddenly passed out, we had already told the men who took you away in an ambulance that you hadn't had fainted due to nervousness, or anything of the sort, so they took you here, and are currently testing some things to see what's the matter." Said Niall, gripping hold of one of the handles on the hospital bed.

   "P-Passed out? I don't remember- I remember blacking out after I told you I was fine, and then the rest is just blank." He told me, "I know, I know, get some rest now, you look tired." And with that, Harry's eyes gently fluttered closed. I motioned for Niall, and Liam to follow me, and exit the room to let Harry rest.

   Liam had been silent the whole ride here, and ever since Harry passed out back at the flat, he's been speechless.

   "He'll be okay, Liam. He has to be. He's strong, and whatever happened back at the flat was probably nothing. Some medication can fix whatever it is, I can assure you. He'll be okay." I patted Liam on the back, he looked worried as ever. And who wouldn't be? 

He gently smiled at me, his eyes carried sorrow, he still looked sad, and was still speechless.

   I held out my arms to my friend, and fell into his embrace. He looked like he had needed a hug. I guess I was right, he held me tight, and I swear I felt a tear drop on my shoulder.

   No, I'm not going to be worried. I can't be. I know Harry'll get through this anyway. I have to be strong for Harry's sake. He's strong, so I'll be strong along with him. We'll get through this together, for he is my best friend.

   Zayn had just informed Harry's mother of the whole situation, and he had told me that she broke down in a sobbing fit, and just lost it. She told Zayn of how much she loves Harry, and doesn't want to lose him, he's too young. She also told him that she'd be over to the hospital to visit him as soon as possible. 

~ * ~

   After about 30 minutes of sitting in the waiting room, letting Harry rest, a doctor walked in, "Hello, you boys must be Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam, yes?" We all nodded, "Right then, I have some quite tragic news to inform you boys about." His glasses were at the tip of his nose and he held his head down to see us. He all looked at each other before sitting at the edge of our seats, and nodding again.

   "I don't know how I planned on presenting this horrible news to you all, so I'm just going to go right out and say it. Harry has a brain tumor." He looked to his papers, my mouth fell agape, only for my hand to cover it back up again. The same look of shock played on the others' faces as he continued, "A very serious, and life-threatening one. There's not much we can do for your friend; Harry.. But I can assure you we're doing our best. There's not much medication out there to treat this type of brain tumor either." I could feel the tears coming on, Liam and Niall full on crying, not afraid to cry for their best friend.

   "It is possible to live through this kind of brain tumor, but it is not likely." He got up from his seat on the edge of a coffee table, and walked a little closer to us, "I'm so sorry to present this news to you this way, and I hope for the best for you all, and Harry." And with that, he left the room, leaving not just Liam, but all of us, speechless.

   The tears were freely streaming down my face now, as well as Niall, and Liam. Zayn was trying his best to hold it in, and be strong for Harry. I could tell, he's always been good at hiding his sadness.

   I slowly stood up, still appalled by the news we had just received, and after about ten minutes of standing outside of Harry's hospital room door, I finally built enough courage to enter the room again and face my best friend, knowing that his health was at a risk of life or death. I didn't think I could look at his delicate face, and imagine him gone. I had already told myself I wouldn't think about his death, and that I had to be strong.. like Harry. He'll live through this, I'm sure.

He has to.

~ * ~

{a/n: so it's currently 2:30 in the morning, and i decided to rewrite chapter two of 'bittersweet secrecy', cuz im a weirdo, and don't do anything when the suns up. /: anywhoozle, I hope you enjoyed this more than the old chapter two xD with the new chapters, i had to remove the idea of chapter 2 because there is not gonna be a party taking place, so there's gonna be one less chapter. so i moved chapter 3's whole kind of plot into chapter 2, and so on and so forth is going to be different. So this book doesn't really make much sense at the moment, as the chapters are all mixed up, but I'm working on it :P }

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